13 • Of final goodbye's

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The summer bazaar hit off from the start of the morning.

Jimin had to go to school early for final rehearsals of their dance showcase.

The whole day he shows practiced smiles and his make-up does its own in hiding every dark circle and paleness he originally had. Hoseok thinks nothing of Jimin's weird attitude, being busy in perfecting their routine.

Namjoon and Jin as well since they we're running around fixing stuff from their own clubs. Yoongi was a harder shell to convince, But Jimin's managed to excuse his lack on enthusiasm with qoute "nervousness" for his performance. Thankfully his bestfriend bought it, as for Jungkook and Taehyung they weren't supposed to arrive until the event's during the evening.

Jimin won't lie, he is dissapointed with the lack of response from his exes but he can't blame them either. He pulled out of their relationship during a time where they were chaotic in their households and he gave absolutely no way of contact to the both of them by changing his number. But he still was disappointed, No matter how he tried to hide it. They could have gone to his place, they could have done a ton of things but they seem to have given up already.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asks again, frowning at Jimin's hunched form as the boy heaved for breath after another run of their choreo.

"Yeah." Jimin whispered, leaning his head on the mirror. His breath fogged up the glass as he gestures a sign of dismissal to the concerned voices around him.

"Hyung, I have something to give you."

Before I leave. 

Jimin bites his tounge to not say anything farther. With a small smile Jimin trudges to his bag and pulls out a carton of the strawberry milk, the same one Yoongi always gives him.

"What is this for?"

"For you. You give me one everyday so this time I'll give one to you."

Jimin says cheerfully, disregarding the weird look Yoongi gives him because he gets called for make-up.

He only answers with a final 'goodbye's because it's true.

It was his final goodbye.


Taehyung was fidgety all over, On his right hand was his phone dialing Jimin's number continuously below the glass table

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Taehyung was fidgety all over, On his right hand was his phone dialing Jimin's number continuously below the glass table. It was ringing but the other never answered. As much as he wants to go and beg on his knees for Jimin to go back to them he can't because he's in a sticky situation. By sticky situation he means the family dinner he's having with a few of his relatives and his father.

Jungkook had gone back to their mansion to pick up a few tuxedos as per instruction of his father, taehyung was yet to visit his mother's grave. He was planning on going after their dinner so he was distracted alot by his swirling thoughts. He never ate anything, just picked on his food and answered a few questions thrown his way. He was never fan of family dinners, All they ever did during one is boast about their achievements.

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