8 • Of white lies

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"So when are you going to fuck?"

Yoongi asks Jimin shamelessly who stops blow drying his now silver hair.

Jimin gives him an unimpressed look, pausing to shake his head at his bestfriend in disappointmenr.

Initially they had decided to go with silver for Jimin and dirty blonde for Yoongi but ended up switching the dye's by mistake and so they had to deal with the mix up.

Yoongi said it looked better on Jimin and he certainly wasn't wrong.

"What in tarnation, Hyung?" Jimin glares at his bestfriend through his vanity mirror and Yoongi just pulls out the lollipop stuck in his mouth with a blank face.

"Just saying. You literally just told me you guys were technically dating." Yoongi says nonchalantly, pushing the candy back in his mouth as Jimin resumes to dry his hair.

"I just said we confessed!" He countered.

"Which is exactly the same thing as getting together!" Yoongi argued back.

"You're hopeless!" Jimin huffs out with a roll of his eyes.

He finishes blowdrying and styling his hair into something he was proud of, he then proceeds to doing his make-up as Yoongi sits down on the edge of his bed.

The clock read 6:45 pm.

Today was the day of Jimin and Hoseok's performance at the semestral party, they weren't up until 8 so Jimin chose to be "fashionably late" as he called it.

Even though Jungkook and Taehyung were blowing his phone up ever since the party started.

"You take so long doing your make-up, I swear." Yoongi complains, watching as Jimim picks up a small brush to rub against the edge of his eyelid.

"Are you stabbing your eye?" He asks with a frown, Jimin snorts.

"No, You idiot. I'm putting eyeshadow."

Yoongi watches the blonde place some red shit on his lips and then some shiny liquid that made it glossy.

"M'kay hyungie, I'm done."

Yoongi nods to himself, feeling proud and satisfied with how his bestfriend looked despite having no contribution to the beauty that he is at all.

"Yup, by the end of the night someone will do you."

"Yoongi-hyung, Oh my God!"

Yoong ignores his bestfriend and busts out his bedroom door with his hands in the air, his other hand holding up an empty lollipop stick.


Jimin hoped the pillow he threw hit Yoongi but it didn't.

Damn it.


"Jungkook stop, You're so fidgety."

Taehyung whispers, fixing his earing with the spoon on the table as his makeshift mirror. He slumps on the leather seat he was sitting on right after, Jungkook sighs picking his half empty glass up and gulping down the remaining liquid in it.

His throat was parched and the party hasn't even officialy started yet.

He suddenly feels so hot in the confines of his red sequined jacket.

Jungkook looks down at his phone and unconsciously pushes his tounge in his cheek when he sees no new messages from Jimin.

"S'boring without Jimin."

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