11 • Of reality checks

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The sun was blaring hot and Jimin was not impressed.

He sat there with a scowl on his face and his hands folded, the silver charm shining brightly against the reflection of the rays almost making it blinding. Jimin huffs, wiping his forehead free from sweat and pushing the glasses up on the bridge of his nose tightly. The silver-haired stomped his way towards the campus, stance almost threatening.

"What's with that face?" Hoseok asked, shading Jimin under his yellow umbrella with a raised brow.

"Bless you, hyung. The heat is scorching." Jimin exclaimed, feeling less cranky under a proper shade. That doesn't mean he still isn't annoyed though.

His day started out horrible, he couldn't get enough sleep last night because his stupid neighbors we're throwing a damn house party of some sort and the morning after he was so groggy that he spilled milk on his clothes and had to change after getting his makeup done to impress his (already 2 weeks) boyfriends.

In the end Jimin got pissed and settled with his glasses and a white shirt he'd found thrown in his cabinets carelessly. It was probably Jungkook's since that kid never wore anything but his white goddamn tee's.

"Why didn't the boys fetch you?"

"Tae has early saxophone lessons and Jungkook had swimming class, Lucky bastard." Jimin grumbled, the bell rings and he catches a few students booking it and running for their lives to get to their presumed classes.

He and Hoseok did not have any until two more subjects so they don't bother.

"I could treat you Ice Cream? Pretty sure there's a stall right behind the feilds--Oh! Hi Yoongi!"

"Hi babe." Yoongi greets, pecking his boyfriend on his lips and passing an iced bubble tea to Jimin and giving his boyfriend a sip on one of his own.

"You guys are angels. Absolute heaven sent angels!" Jimin groans in ecstasy, taking a sip of the iced delicacy and moaning.

"Are you having sex with the drink or something?" Namjoon mutters from beside them, when they enter the school grounds and Jimin feels the rush of air-conditioned air he moans louder.

"Fuck yeah!" Jimin swore, placing his cheek on his locker as his mind melts into a puddle of satisfaction.

"Bad day?" Jin asked curiously from beside them, tilting his head at Jimin direction.

Namjoon peers over curiously at the silver-haired and asks if he was okay.

"Nope, He just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. If dumb and dumber appears he'll be good as new." Hoseok explained, sharing a glance with Namjoon before the other could ask the favor he's been willing to ask from Hoseok.

"What is it, Mr. President?" Hoseok says, tilting his head curiously.

"Remember the summer bazaar we'll be hosting?"

"Yep, Why?"

"So your dance club will be performing right?" Hoseok nods once.

"Well... Some students asked if there could be another performance only it's going to be a song."

"Singing? Why are you asking me?" Hoseok says with a silent giggle.

"I sound like shit."

"Babe you sound nice, Shut up." Yoongi mumbled, pinching his boyfriend's side and returning to his phone.

"That's the thing, I did a poll vote and everyone wanted Jimin to perform one."

"What?!" Jimin screeched, standing up straight and staring at Namjoon with wide eyes. Hoseok snorts.

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