14 • Of missing pages

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Lately, I've been, I've been thinking
I want you to be happier ♬

"Jimin, are you okay?"

the silver haired nods, trying to steady his breath.

He managed to finish the performance for the most part, he had only broken down during the last hook of the song but the crowd was understanding and they sang the last part for him and when the song finishes he eventually walks down the stage with his arm pressed on his nose and tears streaming endlessly down his eyes.

He's almost immediately meet with Hoseok and Yoongi's voices of concern. He feels arms wrapping around him and a hand soothingly rubbing up and down his back, followed by frantic voices of comfort.

"Breathe, Minie. It's okay. You're okay." Jimin heaved and sucks in a single sharp breath, in his mind he's pretty sure most of his make-up we're already a lost cause.

Maybe his clothes too, maybe his hair as well.

"I-I'm ok." He manages to choke out, Lips trembling as he gets his bearings straight again.

He was fine. He just got carried away with his emotions but he was fine.

"I'm fine." He repeats, more to himself rather than to the others. It takes him a while but he managaes to start breathing a tad bit calmer.

"Tae and Jungkook are on their way here, Just stuck in traffic."

Yoongi explains to which Jimin freezes at, half of him wanted to stay and wait for the both of them and for them to convince him to stop with his decision but most of him knew even if they did ask him to stay it will never work.

They will still go through with the marraige and he'll be left off the side.

Well, not technically.

They could hypothetically fight for their relationship but seeing ad Jimin would be no help to the company itself or their families in general would just make the situation worse than it already was and just by that it would not take long for their relationship to fall apart.

Jimin wants to stay.

With all of his being his heart yearns to stay.

But he just couldn't do that to himself nor to the both of them. He loved them too much to watch them get hurt because of him and vice versa.

So he sucks it up and wipes his tears, He was still slightly hiccuping from his break down but he manages to make a lame but forgivable excuse.

Enough for it to be believable, that is.

"I'm actually really tired. I think I'll just go back to the dorms. I'll be sure to text the both of them though."

After all, Yoongi and Hoseok knew nothing about the break-up yet so he didn't have to explain anything.

They'll believe him.

No one knew about the break up actually, but him and the couple.

Jin might have an idea but Jimin's pretty sure the other was too busy handling the drama club to act up on it. And Namjoon... Well Namjoon was busy with his own stuff.

So Jimin was certain no one knew.

"Are you sure? I'll text them n--"

"No!" Jimin screamed, Yoongi looks at him with wide eyes open in shock. Jimin winces at his own outburst.

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