17 • Of pleasant surprises

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"I really don't want to leave."

Taehyung says softly, Staring at Jimin's sleeping form with a sigh. He looks at Jungkook who was fixing his belt with his wet hair dripping down onto his naked torso.

"I don't want to either, But the sooner we finish everything back there at home, the better."

Jungkook says, Trying to knock some sense back into Taehyung's brain. They really could not wait to stay with Jimin anymore so they wanted to settle everything down back in Seoul. The earlier they finish everything, The faster they're going to be able to stay together. Jimin shuffles on the bed, The covers slipping off of his bare shoulder as he tries to blink his eyes open. Taehyung immediately rushes to the side of the bed, smiling delicately as Jimin regains his full consciousness.

"Morning, Sleepyhead. How was your sleep?"

Jimin hums, A smile forming on his lips as he stretches his sore limbs.


Jimin answers hoarsely, His voice rough due to the ministration of last night. Taehyung chuckles.

"I think I did that."

He mumbles, Pertaining to Jimin's voice. The latter laugh and swats his hands away, Lifting himself slowly from the bed and wincing at the soreness of his back and ass.

"You okay, Love?"

Jungkook asks in concern, Throwing on a simple tee and rushing to help Jimin up.

"Yeah, Just... sore."

The couple's laugh at Jimin's flustered expression.

"I told you we shouldn't have done both at the same time."

Taehyung reprimanded, Kissing Jimin's forehead softly.

"S'fine. I wanted it. Plus it's a good kind of sore, You guys did so well last night I'm pretty sure I know what heaven feels like at this point."

They both chuckle, returning to their original tasks at hand right after kissing Jimin goodmorning.

"What time is your flight?"

Jimin mumbles sleepily, Throwing the covers out of his legs. Almost immediately he's greeted with hand imprints on his thighs and random splotches of hickey's all over them, The memories come back to him in flashes causing his cheeks to burn bright red.

Last night was certainly... something.

"A little bit later, Love. Do you have school?"

"Yeah but I'm going to skip again for now, Just because I want to fix things with the hyung's."

"Alright, If you need anything just call us okay? Or if you miss us. Or if you--"

"Yes, Tae Tae. I will."

Jimin giggles out, Their concern for him was rather cute. The blonde picks himself up from the bed and grabs the nearest shirt on the floor, He throws it over his frame and waddles towards the bathroom.

"you okay?"

Jungkook whispers hotly against his ear making Jimin shiver, He could have sworn the couple's stares directed towards him we're almost predatory.

Half of him knew it was the effect he had on them because he was covered in their marks of possession, But the other half decided to disregard the memories of last night because he still wanted to walk after this.

"S'fine, Sore. Like i said."

Jimin laughs out lightly, feeling Jungkook place a wet kiss on his neck and letting him go forth towards the bathroom.

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