3 • Of unexplained feelings

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"I'm going to apologize

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"I'm going to apologize." A soft melodic voice utters, temporarily replacing the white noise of chattering in the cafeteria as Yoongi's makeshift background music.

The blond looks up at Jimin with his mouth filled with food looking shocked at first, then scandalized.

"Huh?" He asked, a few peices of rice flying out of his mouth.

Jimin makes a face of disgust at him, moving to place his tray of food on the table and sitting down infront of the latter right after.

"I said, I'm going to apologize to Jungkook." the cotton candy haired repeated, sending a look of disappointment at Yoongi once he starts choking on his food.

He starts coughing his lungs out as tears brim at the edge of his eyes, Jimin wordlessly passes him the water bottle on his tray.

The blond quickly downs it with Jimin raising his brow at him in concern.

"You okay, hyung?" He asked in worry.

Yoongi lets out a breath of relief, closing the water bottle and clearing his throat. He silently stares at Jimin before opening his mouth to protest.

"Why the fuck do you have to do that?!" Yoongi screamed, making Jimin jump in shock. He winces at the loudness of his bestfriend's voice.

"You did not do anything wrong, Jimin!" the other continued harshly.

"Uh... I did actually. Since he went--" Jimin clears his throat and imitates Jungkook's voice out in a low tone.

"He's fucking fine, Let's go."

Yoongi huffs out a laugh at Jimin's poor attempt to impersonate Jungkook. He pauses after and decides to tell uis bestfriend off and persuade him not to apologize.

"That doesn't matter, Min. Taehyung did that with his own will. If anything Jungkook should be mad at him not at you."

"I still played a part in it, Its only fair I say sorry." Jimin reasons, Yoongi sighs knowing fully well that he had no chance of winning that fight.

He pulling out a strawberry milk carton and sliding it towards Jimin.

For context, Yoongi has made it a habit to give Jimin that drink once everyday. It became a routine for him and whenever Yoongi will go out to buy his morning coffee, he just takes a tray of strawberry milk by reflex since Jimin loved that shit so much.

Jimin picks it up happily and pokes the straw in to drink it.

"You always think something is fair even if it's unfair to you." Yoongi grumbled, shoving a piece of meat in his mouth.

Jimin just glares at him, stealing his spoon and takes a bite of his food in spite.

"But you can do whatever you want, Min. You're an adult."

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