2 • Of unexpected moments

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The house was empty, as usual

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The house was empty, as usual.

Taehyung was used to the silence, but right now it felt even more suffocating compared to other days. He throws his bag lazily on the couch positioned near the bed, landing on the cushio with a soft thud. The latter felt proud of himself for hitting the right target and basks his small victory by falling face flat on his newly made bed.

It was just the first day of school and yet he already felt super drained from all the events that led up to right now.

He tilts his head to the side lazily, catching sight of an old picture frame on his bedside table as he nuzzled softly on his pillow. A small smile settles on his face whilst staring at the photo with a fond glint in his eyes, reaching out to thumb the framed photograph of him and Jungkook together beside his mother's grave. 

It was took a year ago.

It's been a year. Seems like just yesterday.

Taehyung feels sharp, stabbing pain from the frozen peice of time he had in his hands. Even after a whole year, it still felt like fresh wounds for him.

He lost his mother when he was five, his traumatic past flashing infront of his eyes as he saw the lifeless body of his mother in the bath tub of their old house. She had comitted suicide after his father left them for another woman; Taehyung later finds out though, that he was part of his father's second family and his mother was actually the mistress.

Ofcourse it hurt him, Alot. More than you could even imagine.

It was alot to take in especially since he was still so young, so naive and innocent. He never felt like a child back then. He reckons it's because life just gave him lemon's at an earlier age so he had to mature and be more reserved when he turned six.

He felt pity for his old self, a small child that never got to feel overflowing happiness. Instead he saw with his own two eyes how horrible the world was and still is. There wasn't a single day he cried over his loss.

He was so damn broken, a lost soul not knowing what to do in the middle of that vast ocean he was thrown on abruptly. Jungkook was his lighthouse.

If it weren't for him, He wouldn't have found his way out of the dark abyss he had fallen in full of pain and trauma. Jungkook taught him love and managed to put him back together piece by piece with his own broken parts, Slowly of course but ever so surely.

Taehyung admired his boyfriend so much because of this, despite having his own problems with his family he remained gentle. Treating him like he was somewhat of a fragile glass.

They were both so lucky to have each other now.

His lip twitches upward at the young and boisterous smile Jungkook was sporting in the picture. It's not everyday that Jungkook smiles like that, very rarely do you see the sunshine in his gleaming eyes. Taehyung feels quite proud of the picture as the memory was taken at the perfect timing.

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