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Jimin finishes blow drying his hair and walks out of their masters bathroom with nothing but a fluffy robe on as he fumbles with his vibrating phone being held by his free hand. Jimin has to squint to read the letters on his way to their walk-in closet,  Courtesy of Taehyung's father which they did not expect at all.

As Jimin tries to get his bearings straight, the bedroom door opens abruptly making Jimin squeak in shock as the velvet door spits out a disheveled looking Taehyung; With his hair strewn all over his head and his new button-down from Gucci crumpled up in odd places and sticking out from his similarly branded belt.

He was panting too, with sweat forming on his forehead and his expression resembling a very surprised Jungkook that makes Jimin frown from where he stood.

"Dear Lord, Love. Calm down."

"Thought I was late."

His boyfriend heaved out, hitting his chest as he coughed the blocked air from his lungs.

"Can't miss the first ultrasound."

He gasped, finally able to breathe properly. He wipes the sweat with the back of his palm and kisses Jimin square on his lips chastely.

For the past three weeks, They had moved to the house Jungkook's father had bought for them.

It was hard, Considering the fact that Jimin had to deal with his stuff back at his dorms to be delivered to their fricking massive house mind you, To which Jungkook would say "No hyung, It's not that big

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It was hard, Considering the fact that Jimin had to deal with his stuff back at his dorms to be delivered to their fricking massive house mind you, To which Jungkook would say "No hyung, It's not that big. You can't say no to my dad! He insisted!" whilst he was trying to get all his projects in before the end of the semester.

Thankfully for him, He was able to execute most of it with little to no help. Okay, Maybe there was help from his boyfriends in terms of affection but Jimin was still proud of his own hard work. That and of course his boyfriend's, They were both still adjusting slowly but surely with the environment and such. Jungkook was now busy running his very own art gallery with a few of Taehyung's personal photography pieces.

Over all they we're doing okay, Not perfect but it's getting there. Just like most things in life that take effort and time for it to grow into something more beautiful. Like flowers in full bloom.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He's still asleep."

Jimin explained, Pointing towards the big lump under their queen sized bed.

Originally it had been separate beds for the three of them but the moment they enter the room Taehyung tells him that the bed wont do. It wasn't until Jimin had visited back their house that he saw the beds we're replaced by one massive bed fit for the three of them.

"He's certainly more calmer than you. C'mere, babe."

"Watch him freak out once he wakes up."

Taehyung mutters obediently walking closer towards Jimin and watches with fond eyes as the blonde fusses over the crumples on his shirt. He steals another kiss just because he felt like it. Once Jimin's done he looks up at Taehyung with his chin placed on the latter's chest and his hands hooked on the other's belt loops.

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