4 • Of pasts and truths

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"Hi!" is what Taehyung greets him the week after their scene in the restroom, his hair colored a shade of brown this time.

Not expecting his presence, Jimin jumps in shock from where he stood which causes him to bump his hand on his open locker. He yelps in pain and Taehyung hurriedly asks if he's okay and apologizes for greeting him out of nowhere.

"What are you doing?" Jimin gasps out as Taehyung pushes a hand forward.

The pink haired blinks at the outstretched hand and looks up at Taehyung as if he grew another head.

"Hi! I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you!"

Jimin frowns, closing his locker and readjusting his grip on his books.

"Taehyung-ssi... It's not funny." Jimin quietly mumbles, side stepping away from the latter and starts walking.

Taehyung immediately follows him.

"Jimin, Listen first."

Taehyung pulls Jimin's wrists gently and makes the other boy face him with the brunet's hands gripping his shoulders lightly.

"You said you wanted us to pretend nothing happened and so we will, but we can't forget your existence. I genuinely want to know you and become your friend despite everything else that happened. We were such assholes, the both of us. So let's start over. Please."

Taehyung pleaded desperately, voice going quiet a tthe end of his sentence.

Jimin bites his lip as the other stares him down with soft imploring eyes, waiting for his response.

To be honest, Jimin was never really one to say no.

"What did you say your name was again?" Jimin timidly wonders in response.

His heart fills with warmth when Taehyung's face lights up and stretches his hand out again.

"Kim Taehyung!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Jimin." Jimin introduced, taking Taehyung's hand and gripping it softly as he shakes it.

The brunet's hands were incredibly warm and big, engufling his small ones immediately.

"You wan't me to walk you to class?" Taehyung asks lightheartedly, Jimin smiles and nods.


Taehyung offers to carry Jimin's books and tries to forget the loud hammering of his heart upon his ribcage when their fingers brush against each other as they walked.


Jimin yawns stretching his limbs on the leather couch he was sitting on in the lounge room in boredom, he was currently waiting for Yoongi to finish training since his bestfriend asked him if they could eat out later tonight

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Jimin yawns stretching his limbs on the leather couch he was sitting on in the lounge room in boredom, he was currently waiting for Yoongi to finish training since his bestfriend asked him if they could eat out later tonight.

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