18 • Of happy endings

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"We already ran a couple of tests during your sleep, There's nothing ultimately wrong about your body. Most of the results are normal, The fatigue came due to your overexertion or exposure to very tiring activities and the nausea is completely normal, If not it's a sign that things are progressing smoothly with your pregnancy.

In about three weeks we can also conduct an ultrasound for the baby, If you'd like. It would just be a size of a pea but it would be visible through the machine. Also for additional information, the baby bump will usually appear in about 13-21 weeks so maybe about 2-3 months or so?"

All throughout the doctors explanation, Jimin had silently been taking notes despite the initial shock of the new found information. But he would be lying if he says he wasn't excited, Sure it might be a young age to have a kid but Jimin's already graduating, And he sure as hell can work a lot for providing for his angel. And he's pretty sure Jungkook and Taehyung would not let him go through the journey alone.

Jimin's stomach drops.

What if the boys were not ready for this kind of responsibility? What if they leave Jimin for it? His thoughts swirl around dangerously inside his head that he tunes out the doctor's voice for a clear moment, His eyes watering at the sudden wave of emotions.

"--ark. Mr. Park?"

Jimin gulps, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts and looking back at his doctor with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, What?

"Would you like to schedule an ultrasound for the baby in about three to four weeks?"

Jimin gulps, His hand remaining on his flat stomach.

"I-I--Can I?"

"Yes, Of course you can! Would you be alone or bring the father with?"

"I-I uhm...I don't know. I'll call to follow it up, Can I do that?"

The doctor nods at Jimin politely and jots down a few notes onto his clipboard before passing a small paper to Jimin.

"If you come back just show that at the Nurse Station and they'll direct you back to me, However for the meantime i'd like to run a few more tests just to ensure you and your baby is healthy so i'll be admitting you here for a day. Would you like me to give you pain killers or anything? Do you feel anything wrong right now?"

"I--No. No actually, Just the usual dizziness but now that you've told me everything I feel okay.  Thank you so much."

"Anytime. I'll have the nurses bring you to a vacant room where you can rest properly, Do you have anyone to accompany you?"

"My... My boyfriends are on the way. But regarding the ultrasound, I-I will come back, After four weeks."

The doctor nods and helps Jimin sit up, For a moment Jimin feels a rush of happiness flood his system. He was enthralled with the idea of having a child.

He was happy, Even with all the weighing concerns that come with the knowledge of him carrying a life inside him, he was so incredibly happy.


Once Jimin is settled in the hospital room, He fumbles with his phone and calls his best friend first and foremost. He's sure the other had already gotten the news because he had a couple of frantic texts sent to Jimin.

(Jimin! Are you okay?)

"I'm fine, Hyung. Don't worry. The doctor said I was just tired."

Jimin hears the sigh of relief and smiles, Pulling himself up to sit upright with his back on the bed frame, The white sheets rustling with his movement.

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