Book 2? + I wanted to tell something

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Annyeonghaseyo chingus, do you want this story to have a book 2? Just comment down below.💕

Ok I wanted to tell something, my... My anemia is getting worst. And I can't breath that's why they always take me to the hospital and put an oxygen on me. How do I get those? Well it's because of Angelo. He is the reason why I have anemia and I can't breath always. When I started loving him in February 2, 2018, I always feeli happy. Until he found out that I have feelings for him, he rejected me at first because he said I am not pretty and I'm the ugliest girl he'd ever seen. I got hurt at his words. I feel like I can't breath, but I still smile at him because he's my happiness. I accept everything he did to me, I accept that he's always embarrassing me in front of many people, I accept how he calls me 'ugly', I accept everything. I'm always stalking him, writing his name on my notes, taking stolen pictures of him, and putting his face at my phone as my wallpaper. He said, he don't care about me even if I died because of him. He wishes me to die and get out of his life. Well since I love him, I accept his hurtful words and still smiling because I'm too stupid and blind. My friends says, "Why do you like Angelo so much? He doesn't love you? He's just playing with you, he just wanted you to chase him. Angelo is ugly and you are pretty Ling Ling." But I just answer them with this, "It's ok, I will do anything just to make him happy. Even he wants me to suffer so bad, I will do it just to make him happy." My friends are so sad because I'm not taking care of myself anymore. I always do my best to make him happy. When he is going home, I'm following him secretly just to make sure he go home safe. Even it's raining and I don't have an umbrella, I'm still following him even I'm soaking wet in the rain. Until he made me embarrassed in front of his cousins and relatives. I really wanted to cry but I don't want to show them, so instead of crying in front of them, I laugh and told them it's ok. I ran away from them and cry so much, I drink beer and started punching the wall. I didn't even care that my hands are bleeding. After that, when I go home, I didn't sleep, I just cry all night, I didn't eat and come out of my room. Until his cousin message me on messenger and she said Angelo miss me. I feel happy again, but in one condition, I will buy everything he wants and after 1 month he will accept me. Me being stupid to him, I buy everything he wants. He said when I don't buy whatever he wants, I will never see him again. So even I don't have any money to buy anymore. I borrow 50 pesos on my cousin. She hesitated at first but since I'm her cousin she let me barrow 50 pesos. I gave it to him. My bestfriend is so angry when she knew I gave him 50 pesos. But I always said it's ok. Until month of January. He tell me that he don't like me and he have a girlfriend. I feel like my world shattered. I court him for so long and then he rejected me. I go home crying and started cutting myself. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, and started drinking alcohol again. I'm always crying because of him. Until one day, when I'm in school, my friends notice that I always look down, tired and sick, while were walking, I can't breath and I feel like I'm sick. They take me to our school clinic. The nurse said I'm sick because I'm not eating and sleeping. The nurse suggested me to have a check up. Saturday, I go to the hospital to have a checkup about my health, the doctor said I have anemia, and my heart... she said I'm not allowed to stress myself or anything. Or else it will get worst. And that's all because of Angelo. He really wanted it tho, so I made myself suffer. February 2, 2019 my feelings for him are gone. But the sickness that I got from him, was still here, Z always said I don't deserve him and he said he will be there always for me and he will never leave me. That's all! My past is sad.


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