Chapter 1

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The sliding doors open as the guards drag me through the building. After my day of freedom, they decided I needed to get straight back to juvenile for more therapy sessions and plain food.

My auburn hair finally started growing, now it was about down to just below my cleavage, but I didn't get it trimmed much.

As soon as I enter the room, all the other kids go silent. Here, just about the worst was a few house robberies. But murder? Out of the question. I was barely allowed to get out of going to a proper jail, being sixteen and all.

They take me to my confession class. It's basically where we all tell our story about why we're here. but most of the time the teacher is too afraid to talk to me.

That's the thing. Here I'm the psycho. The girl who killed her parents at age 9. Not that I even did it, but they seem to think so, so why bother arguing?

All the usual inmates are in the circle, and once again, they all give me dirty looks as I sit down next to a boy chewing gum. he has windswept brown hair, and looks like belongs in a boy band, not juvenile detention. He looks up at me, and for the first time, someone other than the therapists have smiled at me. I grin back.

A different teacher comes through the door and everybody goes silent as they start talking. She asks us to stand as she gives thanks to The Lord for everything that we have.

What, a life? Sorry God, lost that a long time ago. I've lost a lot since my parents died. In fact the only thing I haven't lost is my virginity. Like that's ever gonna happen...

Who would want to kiss someone who was accused of murder?

She finishes her prayer and we sit down . she asks the first boy to stand up. A boy with shaggy black hair with a black beanie (and our orange jumpsuit) stands up. He starts talking and I dot listen. the therapist never talks to me anyway, so why should I have to listen to them if nobody had to listen to me?

She goes through the circle until it gets to the boy chewing gum. He takes the gum out and throws it in the bin as he stands up. All the girls immediately look at him.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ethan, and I'm new here. I was arrested for destruction of property, for burning down the school shed. It was just an accident, but tell that to the police, they seem pretty convinced."

The therapist speaks up and asks him the same question she asks everyone, "has anything good happened to you while you've been in the help centre?"

He glances my way quickly and then turns back "well, I met a girl,and she's beautiful. not something you think you could find in a place like this." He turns and a goofy smile sticks to his face when he sees my surprised expression.

He smiles just like my mum...

He sits back down and I wait for the session to finish, but the therapist look at me expectantly, so I figure, might as well try right? So, I stand up,look at Ethan once, then turn back to the therapist.

"Hi. Some of you either know me as 'the quiet girl' or just Summer Anderson. But most of you know me as the girl who killed her parents at age 9..."

I look at Ethan anxiously, waiting to see his disgusted or frightened look. but he just looks at me, waiting for me to continue. So I do.

"I was charged with murder and I've been on trial for about five years, and I've been in detention for 2 years. They say I'll be out by my 18th birthday, but that will probably just mean I'll actually go to jail. I don't have any family left because my parents and grandparents are both dead." I finish with a sarcastic grin and sit down.

Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair and tattoos all over her body stands up and says, "I wouldn't be surprised if she was charged for drug dealing, seeing as she thought it was MAGIC that killed her parents..."

That's it. I stand up and start talking again.

"I didn't kill them. I can promise you that" I say coldly.

She smirks and walks up to me,

"so who did then? Oh, I forgot, the magical fairies did it!"

I push her backwards.

"I know what I saw, bitch. So don't pretend like you were there and you know my story. Because you weren't and you don't know me."

With that I sit back down, and so does she. The tension in the room is at an all time high, as the other girl is consoled by all her friends, and I sit by myself. Sort of. I feel a warm hand wrap around mine, and look up to see Ethan trying to calm me down. he smiles and I smile back.

Just then, guards burst through the door, probably called by the therapist when I pushed the girl. They grab me by the arms and start to drag me away, when Ethan stops them.

"Just let" he hands me a stick if gum, which I take, kind of confused. I wave goodbye to everyone. Then they take me back to my confinement area.

I sit in the chamber, bored out of my brain. I take out the chewing gum and unwrap it. I put in the gum and chew, when I see writing on the inside of the wrapping paper.

CELL 327

- Ethan xx

I smile.

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