Chapter 18

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/Author's note: Woo! I enjoyed that chapter! It was...interesting. What do you think the message means? Comment, read and vote please! The picture above is Summers dress for an event that you'll did out about. 613 reads!/


I twiddle my fingers, waiting for Winter to get changed. She had been in their for twenty minutes already, and if we didn't hurry, we were going to be late.

Claire had informed us of the Dimersium Gala, held every decade. It was to celebrate peace between our world and the human world. Basically we had to dress fancy and meet and greet with the people from every area, when they meet in the hall in the government building.

Luckily, unlike school dances, we don't have to bring a date. Not one boy here is anything but vulgar and bland.

Winter and I had visited the dress store, to find the 'perfect outfit'. I must say, Winter is showing much more enthusiasm than I am. I couldn't care less, personally. Compared to everything else going on, this is the least of my worries.

Winter finally steps out of the change room, and the look on her face, makes me see how excited she really is.

She wears a blue, mermaid style dress, that compliments her figure, with a slit down the left leg. It has thin straps, and a sequin print on the top.

It really is lovely, maybe not age-appropriate though. She looks about 24, and we're only 17.

"I love it!" She exclaims, after glancing in the mirror. "What do you think, Summer?"

I smile widely, "It looks amazing." She squeals, and hugs me. Winter is so mature, and to see her act like her real age for once really makes my day.

"Your turn!" She pulls away and drags me into the racks of clothes. I groan as she brushes past the dresses, trying to find the perfect one.


"This one?" Winter asks, exhausted.

It's a peach, floor length dress with a heart neckline and silver belt and shoulder straps. It's nice, but I dot think it's really me. I turn to her and shake my head. She groans and turns back to the racks.

"Maybe I should choose this time." I suggest. She shrugs, "Be my guest. I've tried, but you are impossible, Summer Anderson."

I shift through the dresses in the back row, until something catches my eye. A sleeveless, mint green dress, floor length, with white lace covering the top.

I grin and pull the coat hanger off the rack, and spin it around so that Winter can see it. She eventually turns to look t the dress, and her eyes light up.

"This is the one." We both say.


We step down the staircase, as all eyes lay on us. The male officials as well as the normal folk.

Winter had pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow on, and her hair was curled so that it bobbed on her shoulders. I, on the other hand, had clear lip gloss with sliver eyeshadow, and my hair was in a side bun with a few loose strands f hair hanging down.

Claire greets us. She wears a black lace dress with a red wrap-around on her shoulders.

"Welcome girls. You look stunning." She gives us a light hug and we enter the main ball area.

"I'll call on you two when it's time for the speech. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves." She smiles and glides off towards the stairs.

Winter bids me farewell, when a young man asks her to dance. Very good looking, so of course I let her go. I giggled as se practically melted from the heat going to her cheeks.

I walk over to the table. There's more food on this table than all the food we've had over the last month. Probably because of the huge amount of people here, instead of just the government.

I pan across the room. Lots of these boys, probably from the outer regions, I've never seen before. Most are average, but one boy catches my attention.

He has brown hair in a small quiff, and a muscular build. I can't see much of him, but even his back reminds me of someone. He turns to face me, and my breath hitches.


It had been so long since Ethan had even crossed my mind, being so caught up with the Rouens fiasco. I walk through the crowd, and I see him walking towards me as well.

A man steps in front of me, and unfortunately, it isn't Ethan. It's another boy with cropped brown hair, and, for some reason, he wears a mask.

"You do realise it isn't a masquerade, right?" I ask, confused.

"Maybe I don't want people to know who I am." There's a short silence of us giving each other small glares, when he puts his arm out.

"May I have this dance?"

I scoff and shrug. "Why not..." He grabs my arm and yanks me into the crowd of dancers.

"Rude." I mumble. He lifts his eyebrow, and shakes his head.

"Well, do I at least get the name of my kidnapper?" I question.

"I thought you would have at least remembered THAT Summer. It's been, what, a week?"

I crinkle my brow in confusion, but my eyes soon widen with realisation.

"You! It-it's you!" I let go his hand and point directly at him. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I was right, you did forget my name. Will. It's Will. Remember that."

And with that, he disappears into the crowd.

I stumble back to the table, and notice that Ethan has disappeared as well.

I notice Winter walking up to me. I give her my best fake smile, and she comes up I me and whispers.

"You've got a guest."

She quickly walks away, back to her partner. I turn to the person following her.



"Hey." She replies, nervously.

"I'm really sorry I've been avoiding you lately, but I had a lot to think about."

"It's fine, it's okay. I shouldn't have listened to your parents over you." I kneel down and hold her shoulder. She looks down, a guilty expression on her face.

"That's the thing."

"What is it?" I ask. She sighs and she looks up at me.

"My parents aren't my real parents."

I gasp in shock, and rub her hair to try and comfort her.

"But I found out who was."

I smile at her and bring her into a hug.

She murmurs into my hair.

"Surprise...big sis."

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