Chapter 9

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The coroner stands over the grave, his hands raised, palms facing down. He speaks some ancient words, and his hands glimmer as well as body in the whole below him.

We proceed through the cemetary, with men in grey coats carrying a stone each. They place the stones on the top of the grave, and step back for a moment of silence.

I close my eyes as tear slowly rolls down my cheek. Winter's hand wraps around mine. I glance at her and give a weak smile, but silently gasp, when I see the boy of my sadness.

Ethan is standing in front of me.

I silently gasp, quietly celebrating in my mind. He smiles at me. That same warm smile he gave me the first time we met. But he now wears a grey hoodie and grey jeans.

I smile, still finding it hard to believe.

"Did you miss me?"

"You're alive." I squeak out.

"I never said that," he shakes his head, no, "That's for you to figure out."

I grip him tighter, never wanting to let go. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. But he feels cold, and I shiver. He let's go and turns to his grave.

"Remember, Summer, it's up to you."

With that, he leaps per re grave and runs off into the distant woods. I blink, as the rest of the service open their eyes. They seem unfazed at the appearance of Ethan while they had their eyes open.

I tap Winter on the shoulder.

"You heard Ethan right?"

She looks at me, confusion and pity polluting her gaze. She shakes her head and walks off with the rest of the group, as they head back to the building.

I look out into the woods. I sigh.

If I ever want to find Ethan, then that's where I have to go to find him.


Back in the government building, Claire discusses, with the townspeople, about the overflowing dams on the other side of the city, as the other ministers chat up the other guests.

Winter and I are standing in the centre of it all, waiting for someone to talk to us. I look up at Winter.

"I don't think I want to stay here."

She looks up at me, and she puts on a sorry look, "Why?"

I sigh, "Too much has happened. Everything going by way too fast. I just want to go home for a bit, to get my life back."

Winter smiles gently, "Summer, you don't get it. This is your new life. And no matter how bad it gets, you can't change that. So why try to make things better, when they'll just get better by themselves?"

We giggle, and suddenly, a little girl in a grey coat taps me on the shoulder. She holds a heavy book in her arms, and has blonde plaits down to her waist.

She has me the book and a pen. "Could you guys sign it?" she asks sweetly. We grin and take the pen. I open the cover up and sign my name. Winter does the same.

I close the book and catch a glimpse at the cover:

The Investigative Arts

by Willow Pendsworth

"Where'd you get the book from?" I ask her.

"From the bookshop down on Tygalok St. I can take you...if you'd like." She says the last bit nervously.

"Thank you." I take her hand and start walking out. I wave goodbye to Winter and ask Claire if we can go. She seems cautious at first, but eventually gives in.

"My name's Shyla, by the way."

It's really a very pretty name. I follow her through the exit and onto the streets below. The streets are virtually empty, besides the odd man carrying his tools.

I hear a squeal from Shyla, and spin to see an arrow in the wall right in front of her. I pull a note off of the tip, and turn to see the same hooded figure run from the roof above us.

I squint to read the note.

Carefully Attach This Catching Hare to My Envelope - E

This time I understand.


I grin and we keep moving, but this time, Shyla takes more cautious steps.

Don't worry Ethan, I WILL catch you.

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