Chapter 2

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Luckily for me, Ethan's cell number happened to be straight across from mine. I got the other side of the paper and took out a blue pen.

Cell 329 xx


I throw it across the hall into 327 and watch the other inmates walk through. I see Ethan walk to his cell, and he spots the paper. He unravels it cautiously, and when he sees the writing, he looks across to my cell and a huge grin comes to his face. I wink at him playfully, and turn back to my bunk bed to lay down.

There isn't much to do in this place. We can't have mobile phones because they think we might call someone to bust us out or something. A ridiculous assumption, because with all the guards barricading the doors, there was no way any of us could get anywhere near the exit before getting caught.

I hear a ding on the bars, probably the guard to give me my plain meal of soup, bread and water. I get up, kind of like a normal teen would get out of bed in the morning, and trudge to the bars, seeing s guard there.

But he doesn't have my food, so I look up at him and scowl, "Where's my food?" I snap.

H stays expressionless and ignores my snarl, looking straight ahead.

" You have a guest."

This takes me by surprise. I don't have any family left, and all my friends left when they thought I committed murder. So who would want to see me in juvy?

I look behind him, to see a brunette girl. I've never seen her before in my life, but she does seem vaguely familiar. Like I've seen her somewhere, but just never bothered to talk to her.

She gives me a sickly sweet smile, and tips her head slightly to the right. She wears a white button up collar shirt with a purple vest over the top, and a pleated plaid skirt that matched, with shiny black shoes and long brown socks. She looked like she came from a prep school or something. Very fashionably dressed, but not really my style. I would just prefer to wear skinny jeans and a baggy t shirt to go to some detention centre.

"Hi sweetie! Brought you cookies, just the way you like them." She hands me a box full of chocolate chip cookies. I take them slowly, stunned and confused.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you-"

She interrupts me mid sentence, "Don't be silly! You couldn't forget your cousin Winter, could you?"

Okay, I'm freaking out now. I do NOT have a cousin, let alone a preppy one named Winter. But I decide to go along with it, just so the guard doesn't suspect anything.

"Oh right, of course! How could I forget! You were going to pay a visit this week, I must have forgotten." She nods as she sees what I'm doing.

The guard steps in between me and Winter, "Sorry ladies, I'm going to have to cut your visit short. We've had an attempted break out in Sector 2. If you'll move along please Miss Peterson, then we can..."

She touches his arm and pouts, "Please just a few more minutes?"

"I'm sorry Miss, perhaps you can come around next week at visiting hours-"

The guard suddenly freezes as his body goes into an electric current, zapping his arms around, twisting his legs, then finally, collapsing him to he ground, unconscious.

Winter stands behind him, but now she wears something different.

A blue coat.

It all comes rushing back. That night, the girl in the blue coat. It couldn't be her, it was just my imagination, right?

He hand is up, and I could have sworn I saw a blue spark at her palm. She notices my shocked expression and smiles gently.

"Don't worry sweetie, lets go home. Where you belong."

She twists her hand, as if turning a door knob, and key hole of the cell turns blue. It twists around with her hand, and the doors immediately burst open with a gust of wind. I'm nearly blown off of my seat. She walks, no, almost glides to where I am sitting. She grabs my hand, and I feel a short zap, not painful, but enough to send a ping through my veins.

She pulls me through the doors, and I feel the sensation, of what felt like floating. I notice Ethan against the wall of his cell, with a frightened expression, matching mine. I have an idea.

"Hey, he saw what you just did. You can't leave him here, he might spill."

She looks at me with a knowing look, and before I know it she is holding Ethan by his arm, and we are both being dragged to the exit.

Suddenly I hear the screaming of the alarm go off. What seems like millions of guards swarm into the area behind us, and begin the great chase.

I feel us liking up speed, as Winter starts running. I grab Ethan's free hand with mine and start running too. But we still won't have enough time to outrun the guards before we get to the exit.

Then, Winter stops. She lifts her hand again, and this time I know it was real. A blue flame ignites from her palm, and she murmurs words under her breath.

I feel my body shaking, and I feel Ethan is too. With a final utter, she raises her hand up in the air, and I feel a force push through my body, and an ear piercing screech fill the room. Even if only for a second, it rings in my ear as I get to my feet again.

I turn behind me, to see the guards still charging. But they are moving slower than a snail. It's as if they've just slowed down time.

Or we're faster than light. I feel a hand only shoulder, and I spin around to see Winter looking at me with a determined look.

"Listen, there's no time to ask questions. All your questions will be answered when you get to the Suthuport Tavern, here's the address. When you get out of this building, the spell will wear off and the guards will be after you again. So when you get out, start running as fast as you can, and don't stop till you reach the tavern. Don't worry about me, I'll meet you there."

She waves her hand swiftly across her face before clicking, and disappearing in a blur of blue electricity. I look at Ethan, who has a scared look on his face, but he shakes it off.

"Don't worry. We're getting out, and we're finding out what just happened."

He grabs my hand again, and leads me out to the last room, at a steady pace. As we near the exit, we share a final glance , before letting go of our hands and bursting through the door to he sweet sound of the city.

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