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/Authors Note: Last chapter/epilogue! this part is not told in Summers point of view. I hope you guys have enjoyed the story, I need more reviews! When this gets 1000 reads then I will publish Dark Red! Anyway, enjoy!/


*30 minutes before explosion*

The shadows overcast the street, my my short, blonde hair flicking in my face. The city looks different from a rooftop, not than anybody cares to take any notice.

I check my watch. 3:13. Exactly 30 minutes until Fallion predicted that the explosion would occur. Nutcase if you ask me, but they love to believe her.

I pull in a deep breath and jump a few roofs to the left, when I hear a shriek coming from one of the outer regions. I sneak a look over, and see it came from the little blue house on the corner.

I reach it, and peak through the window. I regret it immediately.

A little girl, blonde pigtails and all, lies motionless against the cabinet, a knife wound in her chest, and her grey coat soaked in blood.

I'm sure I know this house. I think one of our team lives here with their...daughter.


I jump at the voice and a tapping on my shoulder. I turn and see two familiar faces.

"What the hell, Aaron! You too Marian!" I whisper-yell. They look flustered, panicked, even afraid.

"What happened in there?" I point into the house, trying not to gag. I may be tough, but I have a weak stomach for these types of things.

Aaron Looks down at his hands. Covered in blood. "...She found out. We had no other choice." He says. Marian adds, "Besides, it was nearly time for us to move to the next area. We collected the info we need on the girl."


"Yes." says Aaron.

"What about Peterson? She knows more about her than pretty much everyone." I say.

"Look, boss gave us the all good, and told us that we have all that she needs for the moment. Stop worrying." Aaron snaps, "Now, can we please get away from this place? I've had enough of looking at the house."

I hesitate. "Wait. If they think it's you, then they'll come after you. We need to make it look like you were attacked, so they don't bother."

They nod. I take a hammer out of my satchel, and bash down the walls and windows. The crunching of glass beneath my feet only strengthens my want of destruction at this moment.

I decide that I should REALLY get rid of evidence. I take a match out and strike it. All the wooden rubble makes it an excellent fire hazard. Besides, the authorities would clean it up anyway.

I motion for Aaron and Marian do go, and we all rush into the next, quiet street.


*10 minutes before explosion*

Anderson's arrived. She looks horrified. No real reason too, though. I know she's family and all, but we all lose things and people. It's just that some of them won't be found again.

I see her cry into her opposites shoulder. I haven't seen her cry since she found her boyfriends 'body' about a month ago. I don't believe that for a second, anybody could've faked that. And even though the boss never said anything about it, I think she had something to do with it.

It makes me wonder, though, whatever happened to that guy. Even though everyone thought he was dead, he could've shown up at any time and been like "Suprise! I'm alive!"

Guys are stupid.


*1 minute before explosion*

It's nearly time. I sware to God, if Fallion is playing with us, then I will tear than bandana off, along with her head.

Anderson runs down the road, tears streaming down her face still. I crouch onto the roof closest by her, and pull down my brown, safety glasses.

50 seconds left...

Peterson follows her. If only she knew what she was getting into. They look like they're arguing, but it's hard to tell from where I stand.

40 seconds left...

I turn a dial on my watch, and it switches to my communicator. I send a message to Surry.


30 seconds left...

No message back. Aaron and Marian should be out of the city by now, and on their way to the next one. I wouldn't stick around right now, if I didn't have to.

20 seconds left...

She trying to use her powers. No, she can't, it will interfere with the explosion. I take out a small disc and throw it next to her. We use it to stop the magic when it's near a person. Hopefully, the spark should still go as planned.


She's still trying.


You can feel the magic building up as it's contained.


Peterson's panicking, she knows that something big is going to happen.


She tries to run away, but she can't. she can't leave her behind, I'm guessing.


Anderson's screaming and holding her head.






I hold out my hand, and the disc comes flying back. All of a sudden, Anderson's kneeling with her head to her knees, and a huge red flash of light covers the whole street. As it gets to me, I feel a solid force plough into me. Then everything goes black.


*5 minutes after explosion*

I wake up. My head's throbbing and so is my rib cage, but I get up and look out at the city.

It's trashed. Just like we imagined. All the buildings are smashed, destroyed and shattered. Every house, from the centre of town all the way around. Gone. Except for the government building. Perfect.

I jump down to the ground. Anderson's long gonr, probably ran into the woods. But Peterson lies dead on the street, along with many others dead in their homes.

I walk over to her, and kneel down. I put my index and middle finger together and wipe across her forehead. She vanishes, transported back to the lab for testing.

Summer May think she's safe for now, that she can stop and smell the roses. But this was only the beginning. If she thought she was ready for what's coming, she's sorely mistaken.

This is much bigger than just those no good Rouens. This is about domination and power. This battle won't stop until it reaches the surface, and possibly destroys it.

But, no matter what happens, The Tryioms will come out victorious.

So run Summer. Run while you can. Because soon, there'll be nowhere to run.

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