Chapter 11

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/Author's note: And here is Ethan! At first I imagined him as Brent Rivera, but I like this image better. Next chapter, Claire! (the leader)/


"So how'd it go?" asked Winter.

I shrug my shoulders. "Could have gone a lot better."

We sit in our new room, with two white beds, and half the room painted blue, the other half painted red. The walls are bare, but there is a pot plant in the left hand corner. There is a small balcony overlooking the city, with two white lounge chairs, and a glass table. That's where we are.

"She's really dead?" she inquires.

I nod my head.

"But we did find out where she lived. And we-"

"What do you mean, we?" Winter interrupts.

"I mean, me, you and Shyla."

"No way. It's way too dangerous for Shyla, and this is your little adventure not mine."

She's so much more mature than me, I realize. She's probably only a few months older than me, but if you were blind, you would think she was 10 years older. The way she acts, how she's always following rules.

"But, I need you. You're the closest thing I've got to a friend here."

Suddenly, the childish spark returns to her eyes, and the younger version of her returns. She smiles.

"...Fine, but NOBODY is to know about me helping you out."

I squeal, and thank her, before we both leave the balcony. It's pretty late, so we're both exhausted, particularly me. I return to my bed on the red side of the room, and Winter to the blue. She turns to me.

"By the way, Summer, while you were gone, Claire was looking for you. She asked me to give you this."

She hands me a frame, with a small picture in it. A woman, standing with Claire, and another man beside her. They have small smiles on their faces, and they are in front of the government building. I smile enters my face.

My parents.

I could recognise my mothers frizzy red hair anywhere. And my father's petite brown moustache. Though, he looks a little taken aback. Probably because he found out his wife was a wizard.

My mothers stomach looks slightly bloated. She doesn't look any younger though.

This photo was taken when she was pregnant with my baby sister. They were still coming down here was a child.

I slowly, trembling, place the frame beside my bed, and lay down to sleep.


I can't sleep. I just can't. My parents didn't stop coming to Dimersium after I was born. I get up and look out the window. Judging from the sky, it's about midnight, a bit later.

I get up and quietly leave the room. The hall is deserted. I just need to get some air. I pace quietly down the hall, until a finger taps my shoulder, and I jump slightly.

A man wearing a butler suit stands there, looking puzzled. His brown hair is messy.

"Miss, may I ask why you are up so early? Breakfast doesn't start until 7:00." he chuckles.

"Uh, yeah, I just couldn't sleep. I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Okay Miss." he bows. I could have sworn I've seen his face before.

I keep walking down the hall, as he calls out to me.

"Enjoy your stay..."he pauses, and I turn around.



And then he's gone.

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