Chapter 20

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/Authors note: no note needed right now I'm too emotional...I've watched Mockinjay Pt 1. Don't try to make me feel better./


I turn and cry into Winter shoulder, just as my eyes start to burst. Shyla's body lies lifeless on the stretcher, her cheek split open, and body in ribbons.

It pains me so much to watch this, and I see Winter's eyes full with horror as her chin trembles. I imagine her smiling eyes and her bright, blonde pigtails. She's giggling and running toward me, her arms outstretched.

When she gets closer, I see a blood splatter on her cheek, a scratch across her eye. She begins to look weary, her eyes drooping and her pace slowing. She eventually collapses at my feet, a knife lodged in her spine, and a dark figure looming in her place.

I wake out of my head, and hear some officials arriving, answering questions for the people. Winter gives me a look, and we join them in front of the press.

In a way, I'm glad that Winter is the only other person who knows that Shyla is my sister...was. The media attention wouldn't help my situation right now.


After a brutal session of interviews and questions, Winter and I return to the entrance of the house, which had been emptied. Strangely, Shyla's parents are nowhere in sight.

"Excuse me?" I ask a man walking out of the house, blonde ruffled hair a top his oval head. "Can we go inside?"

"Are you immediate family?"

"...yes." I say, reluctantly. He sighs, and nods his head.

I step in the house, and I feel like an atomic bomb has exploded in my stomach.

The house is totally trashed. Everything is smashed or covered in blood, which makes my stomach churn. Tears threaten to spill from eyes at the thought of Shyla being brutally murdered.

Everything, apart from things built into the walls or floor, has been taken out. But a small book lies on the ground, blood soaked at the seams and edges. I walk over cautiously pick it up.

Underneath the book is a knife, dripping with the dreaded red liquid. I immediately look away, the memory of Shyla permeating my mind. I look at the journal, and I can tell that it belonged to Shyla.

Her cursive writing fills half the pages, and the other half is left blank. But one page catches my eye.

'I found out Summer is my sister. Wow, I never would have thought that I had a sister. Or that it would be Summer. I found a note in my fathers desk drawer, that he told me never to go into. I hope he doesn't get mad. The note was-'

The writing stops, and a splash of blood takes it place, as well as spilled ink. I don't hold back the tears anymore, they come rushing out, like a waterfall. I cover my mount to slightly lessen the sobs.

Still crying, I go outside and notice all the furniture piled against the house. Behind the couch, I notice the desk, that must have belonged to her...father.

I quietly open the drawer and grab the note that Shyla must have been talking about, just as I'm swarmed by reporters.

"When did you find out Shyla was yours sister?"

"How are you handling this loss?"

"Can you tell us more about your parents?"

That man must har told the press that I'm related to her. Just when I don't need them, the waterworks start again.

I can't take it anymore.

I run through the crowd, pushing past people, including a stunned Winter. I reach the main street that leads out of the Capitol, and what looks like a forest. I turn and head for it, trying to get as far away from people as possible.


Winter shouts out to me, and I turn around, puffy eyed and red nosed.

"What are you doing?" She yells.

"Stay away from me! Everybody that doesn't gets hurt!" I scream, choking on tears.

"Summer your being ridiculous!" Winter says, trying to run towards me.

"No!" I put out my hands to stop her, but nothing happens. I try, and try again, but my magic isn't working. I put my hands to my head to keep me steady, as the world seems to tighten and spin.

"Stop!" I see Winters blurred silhouette, running at me.

I let out an ear piercing scream, and fall to my knees, hands over my head. I feel a surge of energy leave my body, the impact shattering houses and leaving me hunched over.

When it's over, I don't even look at the damage. I don't think I could. I run in the other direction, and enter the forest, twigs and leaves snapping beneath my feet.

I don't stop. I can't. There are so many questions I need answered, so many people I need to find.

What was on that note?

Who killed Shyla?

What do the Rouens want?

Shyla's parents.


I don't know the answers, or where to find them, but the only thing I do know is that I won't find them here.

I have to hide.

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