Chapter 13

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/Here's Winter! I really enjoyed writing the last chapter. I'm thinking I might do about 5 more chapters. So 18 all together. DONT FRET MY PETS. Because there will be TWO SEQUELS!! Bright Red and To Make Purple. As soon as I finish this book, I'll start on Bright Red. Anyway, Enjoy! Next chapter is a new character, his name is William! You'll find out who he is soon enough ;)/
I squirm around in, what feels like, a woollen sack. It chafes my legs and arms, even though they are tied together.

I feel a thud under me, as the sack is dropped to the ground. Voices muffle through the hard exterior of the sack.

"Is this her? You're sure?" A gruff woman's voice says.

"Yes, it's her. Trust me. They'll come running." A younger man says.

"He-mm" I try to call out for help, but realise a piece of tape is stuck across my mouth. I continue to squirm around.

After what seems like forever, the sack is pulled from over my head, and the blinding light of a heat lamp makes me shut my eyes.

I open them again when I'm used to it, and a man with black spiky hair, and an older girl with blue hair, probably dyed. They look tired, after all, it's been at least an hour of walking with a heavy sack.

The room we're in is dark, but I can vaguely see a wooden chair in the corner, and some cobwebs, with dust clogging up the nooks and cranneys.

The boy picks me up by my, tied up, hands, and drags me to the chair. He places me onto the seat, with a thud, before he stands back with the girl.

She steps up, and rips the tape off of my mouth. It hurts for a moment, and a tingling sensation lasts on my lips.

I give her a cold stare, to which she returns with a smirk.

"Welcome to The Rouens."

I shake her off me, and she steps back.

"Who are you?" I snap.

"I don't believe that that concerns you," the girl retorts. "After all, we kidnapped you."

The boy puts his hand in front of her, settling her down. "Easy. Settle." He turns back to me, his arms crossed.

"I'm Will. Feisty-pants over here is Jade."

"Why are you being nice to me? You did kidnap me," I say, emphasising kidnap.

"Since when was saying our names considered 'nice'?" Jade scoffs. Will rolls his eyes. I just ignore them.

"What do you want from me?"

Will steps forward. "It's not so much what you can do for us, but what we can do for you."

Jade giggles. "You sound like a salesman or something." Will scowls at her and pushes her back.

"I still don't get it." I roll my eyes.

"What he means is, we're going to help you." Jade says.

"By kidnapping me?"

"By warning you."

I raise my eyebrow. What's there to warn me about.

"This place isn't just what people say it is. Just make sure to-"

The wood on the walls suddenly burst open, and men with black coats surround Will, Jade and I. They ignite their hands with black flames, and Winter, Claire and all the other officials fly, literally fly, into the room.

Winter runs over and untied my hands, while the other officials shout at Jade and William. Jade raises her hand, while Will closes his eyes. A blinding light fills the room, as we close our eyes and turn around.

As we do, they vanish. Winter grabs me by the shoulder and I spin around.

"Who was that?" She says, panicked.

"The Rouens."

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