Chapter 6

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Winter drags me through the ocean of people passing through the streets. There aren't any signs so I have no idea where we're going. Plus, my mind is in a daze after the full on history lesson that Winter just gave me.

We get to a big circle in the middle of town, with a tall fountain in the middle. The fountain pours out a pink liquid the sparkles and bubbles as it falls to the bottom of the fountain.

Many people are gathered around Winter and I as we walk to the fountain. I guess this is the town square because it seems like the busiest part of the neighbourhood.

Winter takes out a small coin from her coat pocket and tosses it into the fountain. I look at her as if to say, seriously? She rolls her eyes and points to the coin in the fountain.

I look at it harder, but it's just a coin. All of a sudden, it starts trembling, and it starts to get bigger. It stops when it is the size of a small platform. I don't need Winter to tell me what to do now, and I jump onto the coin as it floats in mid air. She smiles at me and hops on too. The crowd have all gathered at the fountain in aw.

They all gasp as Winter rises her hand and a blue flame appears. She mutters the words, "Capital City, Dimersium."

The flame disappears and the coin begins to spin, slowly at first, and gradually getting to a mind blowing speed, as the crowd applauds. I feel my body expanding as we get faster still, and I see a light going in front of my eyes, and a flash as the crowd and the town disappear.

I close my eyes and only open them when I feel the spinning stop. I look around at a galaxy full of stars, everywhere I turn. I look down at my feet, still standing on something, only it isn't there.

I squeak silently, like a mouse, as I feel a sharp tap on my shoulder. Winter points to a medium sized hole to her left. Above the hole, lights shine, forming the words, Capital City.

I follow Winter into the hole and a flash comes in front of my face. Before me stands a huge black building with multicoloured flags on the top of the entrance.

Black columns stand in front, holding up a huge roof, stretching further than the building. The garden around us is filled with white, red and black roses, in thorny bushes.

I tiptoe up the stairs, trying not to disturb anybody (weird I know) and Winter does the same beside me. The halls of the building are aligned with golden stars, that light the way in the black hallway. Many women are running around, tidying, and men dusting the busts on podiums.

Winter leads me up a flight of stairs and into a corridor. This room has a lot of paintings on the walls, of men and women in coloured coats. At the other side of the wall, is a huge painting of a women with long blonde hair, and a slightly wrinkled face, she's probably in her mid 40's. Unlike the other members, she wears a watercolour coat with black and white splotches. It makes me wonder.

"She's our new leader," Winter says as she approaches the painting, "She was white before he came to charge, but her opposite, with a black coat, died tragically. So, as they were going to be joint leaders, like our leaders before, she became the black and white coat, and took over the position."

We walk through a door next to the portrait, and we stand before a huge parliament. Seven podiums stand alongside each other, with two wizards floating on each podium. They must be the opposites. In the middle, the leader floats on the tallest podium. In front of them is a huge errant of seats, filled with normal citizens in grey coats.

One podium is empty, on the right hand side of the leader. that must be where Winter and I have to sit.

"Just close your eyes and imagine yourself flying above the world." Winter encourages me.

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