Chapter 4

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We land, and we're lying in a dark cavern and I feel around the blackness, until I find a puddle. Gross, I think to myself. I keep pushing my hand through the puddle, feeling the cool water against my dirty hands.

I bring some water up to my face, and splash it onto my cheeks, to get the dirt off. As I put my hand back into the puddle, the water begins to glow from beneath. Confused, I bring my face closer, so that I can see underneath. But it's still foggy water so I can't see anything besides a blue glow.

Suddenly, from beneath the water, a hand grabs my wrist, pulling it down. I cringe as I pull back and my wrist stretches.

"Ethan! Help!" I call out, before my arm is pulled into the water, leaving just my head floating on the surface.

I her Ethan's voice, muffled in the water. He grabs me and tries to pull me up, but it's no use. The person below is too strong. And before I know it Ethan is pulled from behind, into another puddle.

I take one last,huge breath, and my head goes into the water. It's cold but not cold enough for me to die. I open my eyes, to see that the water doesn't hurt my eyes.

I spin around and gasp, when I see Winter, still holding my wrist. She puts her finger to her mouth as if to tell me to be quiet.

I feel the warmth coming from hr hand as she mutters words under her breath. I pull my wrist away. I'm done with magic, I don't want anything to do with it. Not now, not ever.

She smirks, and before know it, she has vanished. I desperately look around for another exit, but the puddle above me has disappeared. I can hold my breath for a little longer, but it isn't good for my eyes to stay open this long.

I mentally sigh. I guess I HAVE to use magic.

I close my eyes and wait for the warmth to come to my hand. Nothing. Wait a minute...

I look down at myself and see that I'm no longer wearing our orange jumpsuits. I'm wearing a red coat with a hood, and with red high heels. The red version of what Winter wears. Crafty bastard.

I close my eyes again as I feel my breath just start to run out. I feel the glow in my hand, which lights up the pool, and I see a small hole appear in the muddy side of the cavern wall. Underwater, of course. I swim over to it, not finding Ethan anywhere, so I start hitting the hole, making it bigger.

The bits crumble away until there's just enough room for me to fit. I burst my head through just as I run out of breath. I pant as I see that the water hasn't come through the hole. I look around to see people buzzing around a small area of shops, restaurants and bars.

Suthport Tavern must be here, I think to myself.

I pull myself through the hole, until I'm on the pebble footpath. But to my surprise, I'm completely dry. Just don't honk about that, Summer. It's not important right now.

What's important is that we find Winter so that she can explain all of this.

I walk along the footpath, looking at all the people. Most people wear dark grey, or black coats, so I stand out in my red coat. They give me strange looks, as I pass through the street.

I can't find Suthport Tavern. I don't get it, it should be here. I go to the nearest shop, as I don't feel appealed to talk to these people.

The sign on the front says ' Rolly Twinkles Repair Shop '. Pretty normal name. I enter the small shop, to see thousands upon thousands of shelves, filled with boxes. The floor is scattered with tools, an the wooden interior of the shop is very rustic.

I walk up to the counter, and see a small man, bustling with something behind the table. It feels impolite to interrupt, but this is urgent. I tap him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir," I ask. He spins around, and I see his face. He has a very freckled face and brown hair. He has very good skin, not wrinkly or old. I guess he was just born short.

He smiles and comes to the front of the counter, "Can I help you, miss? Anything you need me to fix? Perhaps, your," he feels the sleeve of my coat, "lovely coat needs to be twinkled?" he smiles, with hope.

I smile, but shake my head, "No, I'm just asking directions. Do you know where Suthport Tavern is?"

His smile disappears but a knowing look comes on his face, "Ah, madam, you have excellent taste, I see. Just down the corner, first building to the left."

I thank him and go to the door.

"Wait, miss..." he interrupts. I turn around, "What is it?"

"Just be careful. A fine piece of work, like you in that coat, well, you're in the wrong part of town."

And with that note in my mind, I leave the store and head to the corner.

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