Chapter 5

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I keep Rolly's advice in my mind, and make sure to stay well away from the crowd, who still give me looks.

I get to the corner, and see the sign.

Suthport Tavern.

It looks exactly like the house that Ethan and I went to before. It has the same faded yellow bricks, with moss along the edges, and a wirey porch. The only difference is that a small table stands on the porch, with a few men talking privately.

I walk up the stairs, as I feel them creaking beneath my feet, and go through the sliding doors. The sound of shouting and pouring drinks booms in my ears, and a sea of grey coats and hoodies drains the colour from my mind.

In the dullness of the place, it still a warm feel to it, with friends getting together and laughing. I always wondered what it would be like to have friends, but being accused of murder doesn't really put you on someone's friend list.

I see a figure wearing a blue coat by the bar, but they aren't ordering anything. I walk trough the crowd of people. Suddenly an old man grabs my leg, his mouth covered in alcohol. I turn to him and see that he isn't an old man, but a young boy. But his face is so sunken and hollow, and his hands so dry, that he could easily pass for an eighty year, if one didn't pay attention to his facial features.

"Please, help- bad peopl - won't survi-" he manages to splutter out, before a strong man hits him across the face with his elbow and drags him to the door. I think he might have had a bit too much to drink. The men around me laugh as he gets thrown out the door.

I turn back around to Winter at the counter, and sit down beside her. I see her glance at me sideways, and she lifts up her head with triumphant grin.

"I see you found my address," she states. I frown at her, and hold up my fist in a threatening way.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on, before I turn you into pudding."

She laughs and waves her hand in the air. As she does, a small cup with wine appears, and she takes a sip.

"I don't doubt that you couldn't sweetie. But, I'll tell you. Think about your name, and my name."

"They're both seasons? They're both stupid names? They're opposites-"

"Exactly!" she exclaims. "You are my opposite. That's why I needed to find you."

I glare at her with a confused expression. "So what? I'm the opposite of you, who cares?"

She sighs with frustration.

"Do you want me to start from the beginning?"

I nod my head, still not taking my eyes off of hers.

"This is Thinose, a small area in our world, which had only one country. That is, Dimersium. We are a world of magic, it is what our people have survived on. We used to live on the surface. All humans on earth once had magic in their veins. We accomplished some of man-kind's greatest achievements.

"However, the magic started to run out, as some women gave birth to children with no magic. As this continued, the leader of or kind, decided to split the magic from the mortal, and sent the cursed ones to the other side of the country.

"It became an epidemic, and our colony started to die out, due to the lack of babies being born of magic blood. As the last 50 survivors began to die, our leader searched for a place we could hide, a place that we could thrive.

"He came upon this world, after digging far into the earth. It is the place where magic was born, and the leader felt the magic in the air. Our people set up a new life in this world. Women gave birth to magical children again, and we grew into a powerful nation.

"However, on earth, some of the mortals Egan to finally develop the magical powers that their families had possessed. That's how you have powers, Summer. Someone from your clan obtained their powers again. These lucky ones came to us, using magic, and became part of our paradise.

"The others stayed mortal, and eventually, any magic that could have come to them was gone. This created the normal human race.

"Many centuries passed and our people realised that the humans were ruining the earth. To minimise the damage done to our home, our new leader sent a few wizards to the surface. They were chosen from the government officials, who all wore colours instead of grey.

"You became a government official by being chosen in a test when you turn 16- that's this year for you. Then you get a coloured coat. If you succeed then you must search this world and, if need be, the surface, to find your opposite. When combined, your magic is almost unstoppable. That's why I came to find you today.

"Your mother was sent to the surface to protect the world, when she met your dad, a mortal. It was forbidden, but they got married anyway. Your father knew that your mother was a wizard, so he made sure that you and your mother were protected.

"As you grew up, we weren't sure if you had the magic in your blood, but as you got into your teens, we saw real potential. And so here we are. Happy now?"

I turn back to the counter and lay my head in my hands. Secret worlds? Wizards? Me connected to all of this? It's just too much for today. But then I remember one more question.

"Why did you kill my parents?"

She goes silent, and her expression turns guilty. She coughs lightly to clear her throat.

"Uh...I really am sorry, about all of this, but I didn't kill your parents, and I wish I knew who did. I just came on orders from our leader, I send your parents a warning. That they should be ready for you to be taken away from them, unless your mother came back to Dimersium."

I sigh heavily and turn back to the door. Winter grabs my wrist, not with pain, but with curiousity.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Well, since all of this is done, I was here and now you have ultimate power, I'm going back home, back to my normal life. With Ethan, by the way."

She smirks, "actually, you're coming with me. My boss had been waiting to meet you for sixteen years. And I'm not going to make her wait any longer."

She pulls me through the back door and we disappear into the crowd of passing wizards.

Oh boy.

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