Chapter 16

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/Authors Note: These guys (except the girl in the middle) are Shyla's parents, who are featured in this chapter! Sorry it took so long to write the last chapter, but I had a drama exam and I was really busy. Anyway, enjoy! R&R!/


"Come on, come on!" Shyla squeals, pulling me through the small crowd. I puff as I try to catch my breath. She's pretty fast when she wants to be.

When Shyla told me that she wanted me to meet her parents and talk to them, I was a little hesitant. Most adults have had their doubts about the safety or the success rate of our plan.

Not that I really have a plan.

But Shyla looked so hopeful, her eyes were gleaming with excitement. I couldn't say no to that.

Shyla's street is on the outer regions of Capitol, where they farm their crops. It's much quieter than in the city, so it's been easier to walk through the streets.

Shyla stops in front of a small house. It's light blue, with a red roof and deck. You can tell that her parents are into colours, and wanted to make their house look happier.

She turns to me, giving me a smile, as if to urge me inside. I carefully walk up the steps, followed by the small girl. I knock on the brightly coloured door, and after a short while, the door opens.

A woman with short brunette hair, and a man with spiked black hair open the door. They wear grey t-shirts and sweatpants, which I'm guessing is their casual wear, when they can't wear their coats.

The woman smiles at me, and I can see where Shyla gets her bright grin from.

"You must be Summer. I'm Marian, this is Aaron. Please, come in." The man steps to the side, as I thank him and Shyla and I go through the door.


"So, Summer, do you enjoy working for the government?" Aaron questions.

I half-heartedly smile, as I swallow the half of my biscuit that I bit into.

"It's very busy, but yeah, I do enjoy it."

I watch Shyla playing outside. She plays with a paper aeroplane that I showed her how to make. She makes me wonder, what it would have been like if my mother had given birth to my sister, what it would have felt like as a family.

"She really is something, isn't she?" Marian sighs. I nod in response, as we all sit in comfortable silence, watching her.

Then, she stops playing. She unfolds the paper aeroplane, and starts to write something on it. Se looks deep in thought, like she only just thought of the idea, and she doesn't want to forget it.

Aaron stops smiling and puts his head in his hands. I hear him murmur, "Not this again..."

Marian comforts him by patting him on the back. "She'll grow out of it, honey,"

I give them a confused look, and Marian gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Shyla's always had this crazy theory. She thinks we shouldn't trust the government. She's become even more convinced of late."

She gives me a suspicious look. "You wouldn't happen to know why, would you Summer?"

I gulp as silently as possible. I shake my head, no. Aaron breathes a sigh of either relief or exhaustion.

"Just try to ignore any crazy conspiracies she tries to cook up. Please?" he practically begs.

I think to myself. Shyla never mentioned anything bad about the government. Maybe they were just worried over nothing.

Then again, who would know Shyla better than her own parents? I'm no one to judge what they say about her, I only met her a few weeks ago.

I decide that I should listen to her parents wishes.

"Of course. A-absolutely." I stutter out. Marian smiles widely, and thanks me. I fake a smile.

"No problem."


"You have no idea how much help you've been, Summer. Thank you again." Marian whispers as she hugs me goodbye. Aaron shakes my hand, and Shyla follows me outside.

"I'll be right back, don't worry!" Shyla hugs her parents and we walk out onto the street.

"Guess what?" Shyla tugs my arm, when we turn the corner. I'm afraid of what I think she's going to talk about.

"I was thinking, and I don't think we are fighting for the right team," she whispers, a hint of caution in her voice.

I struggle to say anything, not wanting to push her any further down this dangerous road.

"Listen...Shyla. I don't think you know what you're talking about. The government only want the best-"

Shyla interrupts me, her eyes fixed on the floor. "My parents talked to you, didn't they?"

There's a coldness in her voice, that shocks me. This is a different Shyla than the one I know.


"No. I get it. I trusted you, but you're no different than the others. Leave me alone, and don't bother asking for my help anymore!" Shyla yells.

She sprints back to her house in a huff. I simply stand there, looking shocked. I just lost Shyla.

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