Chapter 12

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/Authors note: And here's Claire! Sorry for bad quality, I didn't have good wifi. Anyway, please give me some feedback, as this is my first book. Thank you for 264 reads! Woo! Next chapter, you'll see a picture of Winter!/
I run out the front garden, as the moon provides an eery glow. It settles my nerves as the sky lights up with a million stars.

I find a secluded area, and sit down. It faces the town, that seems almost dead, in creepy silence. I hear footsteps, treading carefully toward the area I'm sitting.

"May I?" Claire asks. I smile and nod, and she sits down beside me.

"How are you coping?"

"Well, pretty well, he's gone now, and I can't get him back." I sigh.

"I actually meant how are you doing here? I understand this is a lot
to take in for such a young age."

"Oh! Yeah, I'm coping okay." I grin.

"Magic is a powerful force, especially when our minds aren't ready to handle it." she looks out to the town, as the silence rolls on.

I pause before asking, "Did you know my mother?"

She snaps her head back to me. "Yes. I was good friends with your mother."

"How did you know her?" I keep asking questions.

"...I have to go back to my quarters. Good night, Summer." Her voice turns mechanical. She stands up and walks off, her heels clacking on the stone pathway.

I turn back to the view. Nobody ever talks about my mother here, even though she was friends with Claire. Strange.

I stand up and walk back down the pathway, having more than enough air in my lungs.

Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me, and the rustling of bushes becomes evident. I spin around to face... nothing. I decide to follow the continuing footsteps.

I pace quickly into the maze, where the sound comes from. This way they won't be able to get away.

The thorny, rose hedges seem to reach out from the leaves into the path of the maze. The cobblestones beneath my bare feet are cool and dry.

The person's footsteps turn into a run, and I quickly follow. Before I know it, we reach the centre of the maze.

The figure stands beside the centrepiece fountain, and I prepare myself to lunge.

I feel a this on my skull, and everything goes black.

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