Chapter 14

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/Authors Note: Woo! What a chapter last time! I've literally planned out the whole book in my spare pages in my art book :) This is Will from the Rouens, these guys are more important than you might think! Next time, Jade, the other Rouen./
I just got kidnapped. Kidnapped. Me.
I walk through the halls of the building, acting more cautiously now, the warm air tickling at my eyelashes.

I open the door to our room, to see Winter asleep on the bed. Really? I've been back a few hours, it's mid afternoon, and she's already fallen asleep.

I fall back onto my bed, and sigh. I pick up the photo of my parents and Claire. My mother still has her ridiculous frizzy hair and my father still has his moustache, while Claire still has a warm smile on her face.

But I could swear something was different. Claire, she was wearing a black coat, instead of her white and black one. And my mother.

She was wearing a white coat.
"Explain now." I slam the photo down on Claire's desk, her papers bouncing up as I do so. She has a startled look on her face, but soon realises why I came.
She pulls out her seat and goes to stand with me.

"Your mother was going to be the leader with me. She was my opposite. As the higher ranking, we were first in line for the position of leaders.

"Then your mother died, and we still don't know why. This was a fatal accident, but the leadership position had to be taken, so I was forced to take on both white and black.

"This is why you are part of the government. Your mother gave you some of her magic before she died, and it was very strong, too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this, but it's a lot to take in." She finishes.

I pull my hair back off my face, and put my head in my hand.

"My whole life, I've been sitting by, watching everything change in other peoples lives. I used to want that. Now I have it, and I'm not happy." I sigh.

"Is there anything that could ease your mind?"

My mind ticks at the sight of the perfect distraction.

"Where can I find more about the Rouens?"
"Are you sure it's here?" I ask Winter, as she leans onto a book shelf, selecting books. She stands on a rickety ladder, that I have to hold.

"I'm positive. Now stop talking you're making it move." She giggles. She slides back down the ladder and drags me to a table in the middle of the library. She lays out the book on the table.

Ancient Tribes and Modern Rebels.

We flip open to the contents page. The list seems to go on forever, until I spot it. The Rouens.

"There! There it is." I point to the print, and Winter flips to the correct page number. We read for what seems like hours, but was most likely about half an hour.

"So the Rouens want to replace the government?" I ask. Winter nods.

"They were formed about 10 years ago, and up until now, they haven't interacted with any government officials." She explains.

I skim through the words. Until I see something interesting.

"Who's he?" I point to a picture of a man with brown hair and a beard. His face is wrinkled, and he looks like an alcoholic.

"That's Darren Ashrook. He was apart of the Rouens for a few years, but then he quit for some reason. He lives on the surface now, and he owns a bar."

"If we really want to know about the Rouens, we have to find him. He knows them better than anyone." I insist.

"I like the way your heads at, Anderson," Winter grins. we both burst out laughing, and put the book back up on the shelf.

"So when should we go find him?" I ask.

"How about tonight? It takes at least 3 hours to get to the surface from Capitol city. We have to bring Shyla, though."

I smile. "Yeah. That sounds good."

We walk back down to the rooms, in happy silence, because we both know that we're one step closer to finding out the truth.

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