Chapter 3

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Ethan and I run. my mind is still in a frenzy from what I just saw happen. but I push it out of my mind for now. I recall Winter's last words to us.

'Go to Suthport Tavern."

I look around at the winding streets. I hear the shouts coming from behind us. I spin around, running backwards, to see the guards, shouting and calling in backup through their communicators.

Before I know it, the sound of sirens in police cars rings from my ears. I turn to Ethan, who has suddenly stopped, holding the address. I try to pull him forward but he doesn't budge. He turns to me.

"We're here."

I spin in a circle, taking in the scenery around me. But nothing else is here. Just a random apartment block that looks like something from the 1940s. Plus a convenience store and a chemist.

I glance at Ethan, who's breathing has become heavy and sharp. I grab his arm and pill him around the corner. I go to the nearest apartment block.

It's a two storey block, painted a faded yellow colour. Along the chipped bricks, a light miss has started to appear, and stretch along the black, wirey porch.

We run up to the porch and I bang on the door, verociously, while Ethan shoulder-charges it. I hear the police getting closer to the corner. I start to panic as I lean against the door, and my companions breathing speeds up again, no matter how tight I hold his hand.

Okay, I tell myself. Just breathe, and relax. My muscles loosen, as well as my grip on Ethan's wrist. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. It's going to be fine. Going back to detention will be fine. Just breathe.

Suddenly I fall backwards, landing on something hard, but soft at the same time. Ethan's pulled in behind me and lands beside my feet. Then I realise what I landed on. Carpet.

I turn to Ethan, with a look of disbelief, which he returns. He lets go of my hand suddenly and backs up against a nearby wall.

"Get away from me! We - yo - I - went through th-the, THE DOOR!"

I jerk my head back towards the door, only to see that it hadn't opened and nobody had let us in. My eyes widen and my hands shake. Am I like Winter?

I stand up and look at my hands. they look normal enough, so nothing wrong, right? Then, as my hands shake more and my mind races at a million miles an hour, a orange glow starts forming in the palm of my hand. It forms, slowly, a red and orange rose of light. I gaze at it, mesmerised by it's glowing presence.

Then it sparks, first only small, then eventually causing a huge burst of light to engulf the room, blowing everything backwards. Everything that was weak like glass, immediately shattered on impact. As the light hit my torso, I felt stabbing pains go through my body, like being stabbed a thousand times by small daggers.

I fell to the floor, desperately trying to keep my eye lids open. I feel two strong arms pick me up and place my left arm around their shoulder.

"Okay Summer. This is freaky, I know, but right now you can use your weird magic powers to get us out of here. The police saw the light through the windows."

I squint to see men approaching the door in dull coloured uniforms. I desperately try to strain my mind. Nothing. Of course.

-Hey, stop trying so hard, you're making me dizzy.-

I hear Winter,s voice in my head. So, I relax. I loosen my body and think of falling.

And before I know it, I'm doing just that. Falling through the floor

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