Chapter 17

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/Authors Note: Nearly done! I think I'm having 3 or 4 more chapters including an epilogue! Then my sequel, Dark Red, will be out in a few months! This character is Liam, who will be in this chapter, as well as the sequel!/


"She'll come around, I'm sure of it," Winter whispers, as we sit on our pillars. Claire had called an emergency meeting, to discuss how to deal with The Rouens.

It had been a week since I last saw Shyla. She's been ignoring me, or staying inside her house, and either way the Rouens fiasco has the whole city worried.

Claire settles the public down, by lowering her hands, making people stop talking and take their seats. The same goes for the government officials, so Winter and I quiet down.

"Yes. These Rouens are a problem, but I assure you, it is a problem we have under control. These are nothing but rebels, and they won't cause any major damage."Claire speaks confidently. A man in the crowd raises his arm. Claire nods at him.

"Surely the Rouens have a lot of capability. They've already targeted and captured an official." He states.

Claire shakes her head, and continues. "I understand that that is a concern for you, but I doubt that they will ever try a stunt like that again. We damaged their hideout in Dyur, and they now understand the consequences."

A woman interrupts Claire. "Surely, we should hear what Ms Anderson has to say on the matter."

Claire gives me a short glance, that I can barely see out of the corner of my eye. "I'm sure Summer would be able to ease your worries."

I lift my head to face the huge audience in front of me.

I'd never been very good with huge crowds, and this was by far the biggest I'd ever seen. When I was 6, we had to write a story, and present it to the class. I had no problem writing the story, but reading it out to the class was near impossible.

I open my mouth to speak, but only a stutter comes out, my mouth going dry. I cough lightly, and the tiny sound echoes through the near silent room, as a thousand eyes are lying on me.


A guard crashes through the door stirring up the crowd. They talk amongst themselves, and amidst them all, I hear a few of their voices.

"She's been traumatized, the poor girl!"

"Can't even bring herself to speak..."

"Too young to go through such a frightening experience."

"QUIET PLEASE!" Claire shouts. The crowd goes dead silent. I've never heard Claire yell before, but it certainly makes you stop and think.

She calls for the guard to go on. He manages to pant out his message.

"They..caught one..a..a Rouen..."


With everyone evacuated, except for us and the guards, Claire takes the officials through the building to a large room. It is covered in white bricks, and the roof is huge, as well as the room is wide.

A chair sits in the middle, with a boy. He has tasseled brown hair, and green eyes. He has a scar across his face, from his left eye, down to the right side of his lip.

He wears the same dark blue shirt and black, tight pants that the kidnappers did. When he sees us walk into a box on the other side of the room, he scowls, and spits on the floor.

We enter the box, which has a microphone, along with a small panel with buttons. It looks like something from an interrogation.

Claire takes the microphone, and speaks sternly.

"I hope you realise how much trouble you're in."

He smirks. "I do. If I didn't, what would be the point incoming here?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm a Rouen."

"I take that as a given." Claire rolls we eyes. "What is your name?"


"Well, Liam, you've caused me a great deal of trouble, your rebel alliance. So, I suggest that you turn your comrades in before we did them ourselves."

He simply smirks, and doesn't answer. I hesitate, but tap Claire on the shoulder.

"Could I try?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Summer." She states simply. I frown, and I persist.

"They obviously want something from me. Maybe he'll talk to me." I refrain my voice slightly, so I don't snap.

Claire waits, but finally sighs, and moves away from the panel. I step up to the panel, but she puts her arm up and I stop.

"Wait. Go into the room. He knows that we can hear him from here."

I gulp at the thought of going into the same room as Liam. I step through the door, as the boy in the chair turns his gaze to me. I approach him, until I'm standing just in front of the chair.

"Hello Ms Anderson."

I roll my eyes. "Cut the crap, you know why I'm in here."

He laughs. "To tell them everything?" He points to the group. I glance at them, and Winter urges me on.

"They don't have to know everything."

He goes serious, and his eyes turn cold.

"Don't trust her."

I turn to the box, only to find Winter, Claire and the officials and guards passed out on the floor. I frantically turn back to Liam, who has somehow untied himself from the chair.

"Thanks Anderson. We'll see you around."


I grab his arm, but I feel the heat coming from my hands, and I can't control the magic. My hand, and the spot on his arm that it holds, start to glow red. But Liam's arm begins to glow blue.

"How are you-" Liam interrupts me, by...vanishing.

I fall to the floor, as I was leaning against his now non-existent arm, and the rest of my body gives way. I pant against the cool white tiles, and I feel a arms pulling me up.

"Are you okay? Where'd he go?" Winter asks as she dusts me off. I nod quietly, and she, half-heartedly, smiles. She lifts her glance to the wall, and her smile disappears.

Everyone is facing the wall. Confused, I turn to it, and the scene before me sends shivers down my spine.

A blue flame is sprayed on the wall, and not that many would notice, but it was slightly flickering, as if it were alive. Some spray drips at the bottom, giving it an extra creepy effect.

Winter slowly walks to the mural, her hand reaching out. She gently presses her hand to the flame, but quickly pulls away, a cry of pain coming from her voice. I run to her and hug her, her back facing the wall, but I see it clearly.

Where Winter touched the wall, the paint evaporates to form words.


The writing is messy, but you could tell clearly what it read. Almost the whole room lays their eyes on Winter. She let's go of me, releasing from the hug, and walks forward, exiting the room.

When we don't follow, she turns, confused.


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