Chapter 15

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/Authors Note: This is Jade, one of the members of The Rouens! So many people have read my book now, 480 people have read it so far! Thank you, so much guys! I hope you're enjoying the chapters! Next chapter, Shyla's parents, who will be featured in the chapter 16/

"It's definitely here." I say. Shyla has her legs around my shoulder, as I carry her on my back. Her little legs were so tired from the trip back to earth that she couldn't walk the rest of the way up the street.

Winter is pacing in front of us, the page from the book in her hand. The bar that this man works at is supposedly on this street.

It's about 8pm on Earth, so most people are already home and not still on the road. That's why nobody has been questioning our appearance.

Winter stops in front of a small, wooden building between a tall white one and a normal house block. It looks a little run down, but the neon lights reading "OPEN" suggests that it's still in business.

We walk in, and it reminds me a lot of Suthport Tavern. Except for their clothing and what they're doing. It's a lot of teenagers playing pool, taking shots and other things I would care to mention. A tired looking man sits behind he counter, polishing the inside of a glass with a rag.

I put Shyla down next to Winter, who holds her hand, and walk over to him. He sees me coming, and puts on the best twisted, fake smile I've ever seen.

"What can I get ya, sweetheart?"

"Are you Darren Ashrook?"

His smile fades into a scowl.

"Who's asking?"

I hold out my hand.

"I'm Summer. This is Winter and Shyla," I say, pointing to my friends, who seem to shy away from Ashrook.

"Go away, you're wasting my ti-"

Winter appears by my side and slams her hand on the tabletop. Ashrook jumps, but regains his slouched position.

"We want to know about the Rouens."

His hard eyes widen, and his lips purse into a tight frown. He quickly scans the room to make sure the coast is clear.

"Fine. Follow me, if you want to know that badly."


Winter brushes her hands against the hundreds of bottles hanging on the walls of the cellar. She looks excited, enchanted, almost. Shyla, on the other hand, looks repulsed at the alcohol. I cross my arms and look sternly at Darren.

"Ok. We're alone. Now tell us everything you know."

He stands in the centre of the cellar.

"They are not to be messed with, you have no idea what they're capable of."

Seriously? That's the big information?

"Rubbish. What else? Why did you leave?" I question.

"I left because thy were doing some bad stuff. I was just in it for the money, but then they started talking about overthrowing the government, so I quit. I knew they would come after me, so I came to the surface and set up this place. Happy?" He scowls. "Now get out of my bar."

Shyla stops pulling Winter away from the wine and stands next to me.

"Fine, we don't need you anyway. Stupid." She sticks her tongue out at him, and he just rolls his eyes and leads us out of the door to the stairs. I giggle at Shyla, who seems very happy with herself.


"So, what now?" Winter asks. We slowly walk down the street, towards the centre of town, the best place I get back to Capitol.

I shrug slowly and shake my head. "I don't know. I guess we go home and talk to Claire."

Shyla smiles up at me as she hugs my legs. I smile back, and Winter pats her head.

We reach the middle of town, and Winter prepares Shyla for the trip back to Capitol. Last time Shyla got quite shaken up by the here force that was pulling us upwards.

I turn back. I see the street lights, dimly flickering in the moonlight. The houses with the windows closed, with all but one light switched off. The concrete beneath my heels. It's been so log since I've been up here. And now...

I have to say goodbye again.

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