Chapter 19

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/Authors note: There is some crazy stuff going on in this story. Shyla is Summers sister?? By the way that is because, you know how her mum was pregnant with her baby sister when she died? Well she gave birth./


Shyla's my baby sister. I thought my mother was pregnant when she died. Everything is getting way too confusing. It's just nice to finally have my sister.

"This is a serious issue." Claire informs the officials. We sit in a small room with three rows along the sides, each further up the wall. Claire has a podium at the end of the room, and we all turn to her.

"I know that , before, these rebels weren't a major problem, but things are different now. They somehow infiltrated the Dimersium Gala last night." Some gasps are heard through the room.

And most of the officials start talking to one another. Except for a few. A girl in an orange coat, a boy in a yellow coat and a girl in a pink coat. They all give each other glances, but stay silent while everyone chats around them.

I eye them suspiciously, and they stop the looks. Claire continues talking, but I don't take notice. I'm mainly focused on what they were wearing under their different coats.

Blue shirts.

Were these officials with the Rouens? It would explain how they were getting into the facility so often.

Winter raises her hand. "Leader?" winter glances at me for a split second and nods. I can tell that she saw the shirts too. "What if they were somehow infiltrating the system? That way they can get into the building."

Claire ponders for a moment, but shakes her head. "No. If they were, we would have captured them by now."


"You really think they're in the government?" I ask Winter, as she lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I wouldn't be surprised, how else would they know exactly where you were when they kidnapped you?"

I nod. We sit in comfortable silence, until she breaks it once more.

"Do you think it was me?"

"What was you?"

"The flame. The one on the wall."
I think. It had been two days and the thought had crossed my mind multiple times. But I had a better theory than just blaming Winter.

"No. It was Liam, the Rouen."

"Why do you think that?"" She sits up on the bed and gives me a curious look.

"Well, I grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, and his arm started to glow. It was blue, not grey."

She looks stunned. She knows as well as I do, and better, that only government officials have coloured magic. Everyone else is grey.

"I don't know. This is all too much." She lies down again.

"Why don't we take a walk? Clear our heads." I suggest. She turns to me and beams from ear to ear.

What we need right now is a walk through town. Maybe get some food. Lately it's been work and more work, and we can't think of anything else.


"Ok. This is actually really good." Winter giggles through a mouthful of cinnamon muffin. I nearly choke on my banana bread when she snorts, and we both start laughing loudly.

"Well, good. Because it's going to get pretty busy. I think Claire's going to put tracking devices on our ears." I chuckle. Winter smiles and keeps eating.

We eat for another ten minutes, and silence envelops the comfortable shop, while people do the same. A waiter comes up, dressed in a grey coat.

"I'm sorry girls. There's been a terrible incident a few streets across, and we've had to close early. Feel free to take your food to go, free of charge."

"What happened?" I ask.

"There was a murder on the outskirts of the city. The guards have instructed everyone to leave for their homes."

He leave the table, and I grab Winter and yank her out the door.

"What is it?"

"That's near where Shyla lives. I want to make sure she's okay." She stops, causing me to stop along with her. I give her pleading eyes, and she hesitates but eventually nods, and we dash off to Shyla's neighbourhood.

A crowd of people block the pathway in front of Shyla's house, but we soon manage to manoeuvre through them to the blue house.

It's a mess. The window is smashed and holes in the walls show a horrific wreck inside. And being carried out of the house, a body, and looking closer my worst suspicions are confirmed.

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