Welcome Home Surprise: Harry Styles

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Enjoy this one everyone!!:)

Currently you and Harry were standing around talking to friends and family. It was your birthday party that Harry and your family had thrown for you.

It took you by complete surprise to walk into yours and Harry's apartments, and see so many familiar faces there to greet you. They were all standing around hands in the air, all happy to see you. It was a nice feeling to really see in front of you how many people actually really adored and loved you.

Both you and Harry lived in a very nice apartment in Chicago. He knew you loved it so he bought a place for the two of you. Of course you told him it was too much, and that he shouldn't have spent his money on you. Of course he said every penny he spends on you is always worth it. Truly he was the best thing that has ever happened to you. You couldn't be more content and happy with where things are right now.

Everyone was there too. Your parents were there, all of your friends and co workers. Even Harry's family was there. There were balloons and lights everywhere, strings were hanging from the ceiling. Your name was written on a billboard littered with pictures of you from a baby to now. He really went all out to make you feel loved and appreciated today.

After you got surprised they had let you get settled in first before they let the party continue on. Once you could catch your breath you started to greet everyone as quickly as you could. They either said happy birthday or congratulations on moving in with Harry.

You were so lucky to have the people that you do in your life. They had all been so supportive towards every decision you had ever made. These were the people you had always planned to keep in your life.

"You enjoying yourself sweetheart?" Harry whispered into your ear making you slightly jump. He broke you from your thoughts

You turned around and placed your hands around his neck, and he placed his hands on your waist giving you a slight squeeze. Smiling up at him and looking into his bright green eyes, all you could feel and see is love. This boy truly meant the world to you, and you never wanted to let him go.

"Yes Harry I am. I can't thank you enough for doing this for me. You know you didn't have to." You whispered the last part not wanting to come off as not appreciating any of it but he knew you did.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You deserve every good thing in this world y/n." All you could do was smile back at him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." You whispered more towards yourself than to him. His dimples were popping out once he grinned back at you.

He leaned down and pressed his soft lips against yours. Molding his lips into yours you could feel your lips moving against his. Tossing your heads side to side to feel more of each other's movements. That what he would open his mouth and mesh his lips against yours. It was like he wanted to be passionate but intimate at the same time.

A tongue was pushing against your lips begging to be let in. You granted his permission and as soon as he got the go, his tongue was wrestling with yours. Both of your tongues rolling around each other from side to side. You could taste peppermint and scotch on his breath making you moan into his mouth.

You reached up and grabbed onto his hair, wanting to feel more of him. His fingers were gripping onto your waist even tighter now. Sparks were all you could feel in this moment, when his tongue was perfectly molding with yours.

Getting more and more into the kiss he was getting a little rougher with you. His mouth and tongue were really pressing and moving against yours. He was wanting to be the dominant one, but you weren't going to back down.

That's when you felt two hands slowly descend down your back and to your ass. He squeezed you with a cheek in each hand making you squeal into his mouth. He couldn't help the smirk that was playing on his mouth. Even after all these years he loved that he could still get you to squeal like a schoolgirl virgin with his touches.

"I love you so much y/n." He said finally and unfortunately pulling away from you.

"I love you too Harry." With that you leaned your forehead against his and smiled so hard you swear your face would get stuck.

This was the best surprise birthday yet. What you didn't know was you were going to become the future Mrs. Styles later that night.


Sorry this one is so short everyone I just couldn't think of anything else to write. Still tell me what you think though! Don't forget to comment and vote everyone please and thank you!! xoxo

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