Take Me Home Tonight: Harry Styles*

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Enjoy my dears!!;) xoxo

Today was really just not your day at all. You had just gotten fired today for what reason you have no idea. Than to add on top of it your boyfriend decided he wanted to leave you.

A drink was all that you really needed to help cope with all this stress. You just wanted to forget about today.

Looking at your self in the mirror and feeling sexy as hell. Grabbing your clutch and phone not even bringing money expecting to catch someone's eyes so they bought you drinks. Tonight you were going to take your stress out on some lucky man.

Arriving to the club and watching the bouncer letting all the attractive people in and turning away the poor unfortunate party goers. You made your way into line and were let through, but not without giving the bouncer a wink. He winked right back at you.

Feeling even more confident now you entered through the club with your head held high. Nothing was going to ruin tonight.

Standing around trying to spot the bar you watched all the drunken bodies swaying with each other. People standing around with a drink in one hand. This was a new club and tonight it was packed. A lot of prey for you to choose from.

You walked through all the sweaty grinding bodies and made your way to the bar. Finding a seat the bartender immediately took your order. Whatever the strongest drink you could get.

He poured you a cup of scotch and filled the brim with ice. Pouring a little into the glass he set it in front of you, and smiled when he handed it to you. You just smiled back and he didn't even bother ringing up your order. Free drink? Check.

Hissing when you took the first sip and when that burning sensation went down your throat. Loving that feeling you took another sip this one not as bad. You really weren't into drinking some girly drink right now. Right now all you wanted was to get drunk fast.

Turning your head to the side you felt like someone was watching you. There in fact was someone watching you from a VIP section.

Maybe it was just your nerves getting to you. Or maybe that scotch was hitting you harder than you expected. For some reason you couldn't put your finger on the feeling of someone staring at you.

"Here by yourself love?" A deep British accent whispered into your ear. 

Turning around you saw the most gorgeous man you've ever seen. His curls were tossed around his head so perfectly like he had just had it done. His piercing green eyes were staring into yours getting you lost in them.

His well structured face had you gaping with jealously. It was like his nine structures were done by the Greek gods. Skin so smooth you wanted to touch every inch of him. Don't even get started on those cute dimples that popped out when he smiled.

Wearing a pair of skinny black jeans that emphasized his thick thighs. He was wearing a white shirt along with it so you could see the muscles of his arms. Everything about him just seemed so perfect it was unreal.

Just looking at him had you wet and horny. It was like your pussy was clenching on it's own just imaging what he must probably feel like. Oh boy did you want to know what he felt like.

"Huh?" You said staring blankly at him.

He chuckled right back at you caught on to you not paying attention.

"I said what's your name love?" Repeating the question.

"Oh sorry yeah I'm y/n." Finally giving him your name and extending your hand to shake.

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