Tired Eyes: Harry Styles

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Harry was exhausted by the time he had come home, not wanting to waste any time in getting into bed. His eyes dropping and his body felt like it was weighing him down. Body hurting and aching from standing up all day not more than once getting to take a break.

Recording in the studio all day until he could barely even talk. His deadline for a new album was coming up in a couple weeks, and he was working non stop until he got it done perfectly. Even to the point he would only get a couple hours of sleep. He was like a real life human working machine.

Seeing when he got into bedroom that you weren't there he didn't even bother to change. Way too tired to even try to find something else comfy to wear. He just wanted sleep to take over him. Probably figuring you wouldn't be home for a couple more hours he'd rest his eyes a little bit.

Soon as his head hit the pillow his eyes closed shut and he let the sweet splendor of sleep rest over him. Waiting for you to come home to him. Thinking he could be awake for you when you got home so you could talk about each other's days.

Not even minutes later you came strolling into your guys apartment and it was way too quiet. Softly walking across the floor looking in each of the rooms to check and see if you were by yourself. Finally getting into the bedroom you almost felt your heart melting at the sight.

There Harry was his body sprawled across the bed with his arms spread out in front of him. The covers barely covering his body with his face smushed into the mattress. Obviously he hadn't been laying there long cause he wasn't snoring a sign to you he was always fast asleep.

Walking over to him you looked at his sleeping figure and smiled at your tired and hard working man. 'He hasn't done this in a while' you thought to yourself looking at him still wearing his clothes from today. The poor boy has been working himself to the brim of complete body failure. He was going to work himself too hard to the point his body would shut down from lack of sleep.

Poking at his shoulder to get him to wake up he slightly stirred before he got on his back and looked at you. Rubbing his eyes and blinking a few times before his vision refocused itself. His sweet and innocent face had you smiling a little bit at him feel nothing but sympathy for him.

"Babe your home." He slurred his eyes starting to close again and waking himself back up by shaking his head.

"Yeah I just got home. When did you get back?" You asked him placing your stuff onto the nightstand looking back at him.

"Uhh about a couple minutes ago I guess. Not really sure I passed out as soon as I got home." He yawned getting up from the bed to stand in front of you now.

He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a complete mess. Wearing the same clothes he did a couple days ago. His whole body language right now looking at you screamed he was so tired he would probably sleep for a couple days.

Feeling bad because he works basically sixteen plus hours a day and you always complain about your nine hour shifts. Complaining about how tired and exhausting work was without even asking him about his. Him being the nice guy though listened to you and never argued with you. Your job wasn't even close to being as stressful as his was. Granted your job was for money his was definitely bigger pay, and it was something he enjoyed and was passionate about.

"How long have you been getting sleep?" Concerned laced in your voice almost afraid to hear the answer in fear that it would break your heart.

"A couple hours a night at least." He made it sound like it was no big deal but of course it hurt you to hear him say that and for him to act like it was no big deal.

Not once did you ever bother to ask how tired and stressed Harry was. I mean the boy worked more than you did and he didn't want to let down his fans. That was a lot of pressure for one person, and you never asked how he felt or what would make him feel better. That thought was getting to you even though Harry would never say anything you wanted to make it up to him somehow.

"You look exhausted Harry. Come on get changed and we can fall asleep together watching whatever you want. And we can make tomorrow all about you baby." You smiled and he weakly smiled back at you his dimples poking through. He was never the type of ask for anything but when he saw the determination in your eyes he wasn't going to stop you.

"That sounds really lovely darling." His raspy voice came out making your ears perk up and all you wanted was to be laying next to him with his arms wrapped around you.

Picking out his favorite sweats and shirt tossing it to him he slowly pulled off his other clothes, and switched to his comfy ones. Already having gotten dressed before him he just laughed to himself at how fast you had changed.

"You always were a faster dresser than me." Laughing along with him the both of you making it into bed pulling the soft covers over each other. His arms wrapping themselves around you, and pulling your body flush against his. Your body fitting perfectly next to him like you were the missing puzzle.

"I could stay like this forever." He mumbled against your ear making you smile.

"Me too Harry me too." Smiling to yourself while you let sleep take over your body as well.

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