Hard Day: Bill Skarsgard

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Enjoy everyone:) xoxo

Groaning as soon as you got home, and you almost moaned at the feeling of taking your heels off. All you wanted was to get comfy, and have a glass of wine in your hand.

Today was not a good day for you. Your ass hole of a boss decided he wanted you to run around today. You were the assistant to a famous author at a writing company. He usually just had you check his work, papers, book his appointments that type of stuff. You basically made sure he didn't have to stress over anything, so you put all that on your shoulders instead. The pay was good too.

For some reason today he was being absolutely extra cruel to you. He would call you into his office to do the dumbest things, or just to yell at you. Every time your phone rang you would groan knowing it was something ridiculous. At one point he was calling you into his office just to pick up trash.

Not wanting to get fired you did everything he had requested of you. The last thing you wanted was getting fired on top of your resume at a famous writing company. Knowing him he would fire you if you even whispered the word 'no' to him.

You didn't know if maybe he were mad at you or something, but he obviously didn't like you today. Not knowing what you did you just left it alone and did everything he ordered you to.

Walking around yours and Bill's apartment, you saw him in the kitchen cooking. You smiled at the image before you.

"Hi Bill." You greeted coming up behind him and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He turned around and smiled at you. Frowning once he saw the dark circles under your eyes. He didn't even need to ask what was wrong he already knew it was cause of work.

"You okay babe?" His voice was filled with concern.

"Yeah I guess."

All you could do was shrug not really wanting to go into detail about today. Bill knew you loved your job and would never ask you to quit. Seeing you like this had him upset that you would put yourself through all that.

You just walked straight to yours guys bedroom before he could ask more questions, and you shed your clothing. Placing it into the hamper you got some comfy sweatpants and a shirt to wear. The best feeling was taking off your bra at the end of the day.

That's another thing your boss always wanted you to dress way more fashionable than necessary. If you even wore your hair in a bun he would have a cow. Your appearance and image was all that mattered to him. If you could you would just wear some sweats everyday to work.

Pulling the covers over the bed and getting in you wanted to just sleep the day off. You felt bad being kind of cold to Bill and not thanking him for making dinner. You just didn't feel like talking or eating. At this moment you just wanted to be left alone and in peace. Your body was so drained you don't think you could do anything else.

You were so tired you didn't even hear your love opening the bedroom door to check on you. As soon as he saw your disheveled figure he got concerned. He walked over to you and shook your shoulder cracking your eyes open looking at him.

"What happened at work love?" As soon as those words left his mouth you felt the tears coming.

All you could do was break down in this moment. Your body leaned into his and just cried into his shoulder. He didn't care that your makeup was ruining his shirt. Or the fact that your snot was rubbing against his skin. He just wanted to comfort you and hold you.

Ben just held you and rubbed his hand against your back in comfort. He was whispering sweet things into your ear, and quietly shushing you from your loud sobs. Being in his warm embrace definitely made you feel loved.

You felt your chest heaving up and down from crying so much. The tears wouldn't stop coming. That familiar tightening in your chest was starting to happen. Every time you cried you felt your body shaking, your skin felt like little needles were slowly prickling your skin.

Maybe you didn't realize how unhappy you really were. You only cried this much when you were either super stressed or simply unhappy. Bill could see it, your friends could see it, even your friends could see it.

Maybe it was time for a change after all.

"Tell me what happened?" He asked once you were done with your hysterics.

"He just kept asking me to do the dumbest things. He had me running around for him all day, and I couldn't get any of my actual work done. I couldn't say no ya know? All I wanted to do was just tell him to fuck off." You ranted to him feeling a few more tears slip.

Ben just nodded at you the whole time, and was trying his hardest not to drive all the way to your work and beat your boss to a pulp. Seeing you break down like this was enough for him.

"Hun I know you love your job and all but don't you think this is enough? I mean no boss should be treating his assistant like this." He spoke and you finally looked up at him.

You swore you saw tears in his eyes, he really was upset. Seeing that was pulling at your heart strings. You hated to see him this upset over you being upset.

You sniffled a couple times and Ben banded you some tissues. Wiping your nose and eyes you felt yourself calming down a little bit. Maybe all you needed was a good cry to release all that negativity. Now you could see more clearly how stressful this job was making you.

"Promise me first thing Monday you will quit? For me please." He lifted your chin up so you could look at him.

"Yes I will." Nodding your head and giving him a small smile.

"I just hate seeing you like this babe. I miss my beautiful smiling girl." He nuzzled his head into your neck making you giggle and hearing that wonderful sound made him smile.

"Bill stop." You squealed when he was leaving little kisses behind your ear knowing you were ticklish there. He was trying to make you smile and put you in a better mood.

"There's my gorgeous smiling beauty." His hand rubbed against your cheek lovingly and his green eyes were staring at you with so much care and admiration.

You were so thankful to have this boy in your life forever and always.


Well let me know what you guys think of this one! Don't forget to comment and vote. Also, please guys send me in some requests I would love to hear from y'all and what you'd want me to write! I love you all!!:) xoxo

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