Memories:Ben Hardy

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Ben had no idea what to expect when he was with you. At first everything was plain and simple and never realized how important you really were to him, and how much you would really mean to him in the future.

First couple of months were easy going. Nothing too drastic or crazy. It was like smooth sailing for the two of you. That is until both of you had your first fight. He could remember it so vividly. He hated to see you so distraught and upset with him, and all he wanted to do was take it all back.


"I just don't get why you had to go out with your friends when you knew we were supposed to go out." You lectured a very intoxicated Ben as soon as he got home. Practically smelling the alcohol coming off of his clothes.

Tonight he agreed to meet at his place so the two of you could spend a nice cozy night in together. Order some Chinese, and watch all of your favorite movies. Something you've wanted to do, but it never happening cause of his schedule. You could understand that so when you came to him with the idea he loved it, and was down for it and promised you it would happen.

"Cause I wanted to be with my friends is that such a crime?" He sneered back at you and you frowned.

"You said that we would spend more time together and that tonight you would spend it with me. Than you blow me off to be with them." Raising your voice a little bit louder and all he did was just roll his eyes back at you.

"Besides you promised me that tonight you would spend with me." Continuing on with your little rant and he just kept looking at everything but you.

"God why do you always have to get on my back about stupid shit? I see you all the time. I don't get to see them." He groaned heading towards the bedroom stumbling along the way.

Following not too far behind him with a stomp in your step. Clearly he was not in the mood to talk, but you were done with his attitude and weren't going to let him get away with this. Tonight you were going to let him have it for blowing you off like that.

"You don't spend time with me though. You always say you will but you don't. I'm tired of asking you to spend time with me when it's something you should be already doing." Crossing your arms over your chest with a huff while he was changing. Not once looking at you.

"Well just stop asking me than and leave me the hell alone." He said throwing his arms up in exacerbation his eyes blood shot red. A part of him felt bad for talking to you like this when you were right, but right now he was drunk and could care less how you felt.

"Leave you the hell alone? Is that what you really want?" Your tone becoming more and more upset.

"Yes is that not what I said? Yes yes yes. Leave me the hell alone." Every word was full of hatred. You could feel the tears coming and didn't want to cry in front of him. He probably wouldn't even care anyway with the way he was talking to you. It's not like he cared about you right now.

Thing being is he did care about you. He did want you to be happy with him. He was just absolutely terrified right now. Terrified that he was going to mess everything up with you. He's never been this intimate or close with someone before. The very idea of being serious with someone scared him almost half to death.

He felt bad for talking to you the way he did. Seeing your face staring right back at him with such vulnerability had him reeling. Almost loosing it when he said that single tear sliding down your cheek as you stood there motionless. His heart was racing and his palms sweating.

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