Stuck in the Past: Ben Hardy

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"Babe come on I said we'd be there by seven." Ben had yelled at you fixing your hair in the bathroom mirror.

Tonight You and Ben were going to one of his friends for a party. Not remembering what the party was for, but Ben promised he would go and that you would tag along. Ben made sure to always invite you to things. Thing is you just never actually went.

This would be the first time that you would be meeting a lot of his friends. Since they've been dying to meet you, and you figured you've been with Ben for about a year now so it was time to meet his friends.

Putting on your earrings and checking yourself out one more time heading out of the bathroom. Ben standing there in a black suit and tie looking at his watch. Hearing your heels clicking on the floor beneath your feet his head lifted up, and his eyes lit up when he saw you.

"Wow you look absolutely stunning darling." His eyes roaming your body up and down and your cheeks heating up.

"Thank you. You look very nice as well."

Ben approached you with a grin and wrapped his arms around your waist. Head nuzzled in your neck breathing in your floral scent. Your hands gripping his and the room around you getting smaller. Like your body was melting into his.

Leaving a small kiss on your neck and looking down at you smiling. Smiling back you just laughed at the fact he couldn't stop looking at you. As if he were breathing you in scared you would go away.

"We better get going." Pulling away leading the two of you out of the house and into his car.

The drive wasn't very long, and it was a comfortable silence. Holding your hand the whole car ride, making you smile to yourself. He always made you feel loved. Whether it was holding your hand or holding you in his arms just cause you wanted to.

Pulling up into a long driveway and a mansion came onto view. Your eyes going wide and you mouth hanging open. If you weren't nervous before you for sure as hell were now. This place was huge and you felt you looked out of place just looking at the place.

Ben chuckled at your reaction and parked the car, and valet took it away to who knows where. Of course this guy had a valet for his own house, I mean he was rich rich. You just hoped to god his friends liked you.

Grabbing your hand leading you through the door, and instantly you could hear loud music and people chattering. Everyone looked like they just came back from a fashion photo shoot. Everyone had on designer clothes and hair done like they just came back from the salon. Looking down at yourself in worry that you were underdressed.

Ben squeezed your hand when he could see you becoming self conscious. Smiling up at him and squeezing his hand back. Ben always had a small way of helping calm your nerves.

"Well lets go meet some of my friends." Leading you over to a group of men around his age talking and laughing.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Ben said walking up your hand still in his. They all turned their attention to the two of you.

"Ben you made it. And who's this gorgeous woman you have standing next to you?" A tall and slim guy with reddish hair and a scruffy beard said looking at you both.

"This is my girlfriend y/n."

All eyes were on you and you could tell you were under their observation. Last thing you wanted was for all of his friends to not approve, and it bother Ben and he doesn't want to be with you anymore. You wanted all of them to really like you, and get to know everyone.

"Nice to meet you y/n I'm Joe Mazzello." Shaking his hand smiling at his friends my face recognizing him from Bohemian Rhapsody.

"This is Evan Peters." A boy with shaggy blond hair smiled and nodded at you.

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