Last One Night Stand: Max Irons

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Head aching beyond belief. Your body felt like it was ran over by a truck. Nothing could have prepared you though for the surprise sleeping right next to you.

A gorgeous man sound asleep lightly snoring his body facing yours. His arm draped over your body in almost a protective like way. The feeling was warming and comfortable, but you had no idea who this stranger was.

Now you weren't the type of person to take random men home. Come to think of it you never took random men home with you. The guys you usually slept with were men you were seeing or dating. You always thought one night stands were slutty and trashy. Your friends making fun of you for never being more promiscuous and adventurous.

It suddenly dawned on you this was the handsome man you met last night. He was chatting you up at the bar, and the two of you got to talking and obviously took you home. You felt bad not remembering his name. Maybe he would just leave without another word, and neither of you would see each other again.

Pulling his arm off your body slowly as to surely not wake him up. Maybe you could hide and he would just leave without a word. The last thing you wanted to deal with was an awkward conversation or encounter.

Tiptoeing out of the bedroom making very slight movement like a slumbering tiger was in the room. When suddenly a raspy voice made you stop right in your tracks.

"Where are you sneaking off to?" Closing your eyes and thinking to yourself why did you have to take someone home with you. You liked spending time by yourself, and not having to be bothered by someone else.

Turning around you got a better look at his hair. His honey blonde hair all shuffled around giving him that sexy look. His honey brown eyes were trapping yours. Not getting a good look at his body but from his toned arms you would tell he was very fit. This man was built by god himself, and you now were even more puzzled why he went home with you.

"I was just uh going to umm get something to drink." Stuttering over your words trying to come up with something at the top of your head.

"Kinda looks like you were trying to sneak off." He gave a slight smirk very well knowing what you were doing. All you could do was blush and look down at the ground. Like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Now you couldn't help but feeling guilty for trying to leave so quickly.

"I'm sorry I've never done this before." Clasping your hands together standing awkwardly now facing him fully. Not really sure what to say or do now that you've been caught.

"Ah well usually the person you bring home with you who doesn't live here is the one sneaking off not the person who does." He lightly chuckled when he was trying to explain to you nicely how a one night stand works. Your cheeks probably bright red at this point.

"Oh right that makes sense." Responding back to him with a light giggle almost feeling like an idiot.

"I really liked cuddling with you though." He cheekily commented making you feel butterflies.

"Thanks I did too." Your voice becoming shaky not sure exactly what else to say. Too afraid you were going to say or do the wrong thing. You knew he could tell you were nervous though. Your body was reeking with nervousness.

Seconds went by and there was just silence between the two of you. Not really knowing what to say at this point or what to do. Do you ask for his name? Do you kick him out? Is there going to be a second time or a date? All these questions were running through your mind right now.

"Your not sure what to do next are you?" He asked as if he were reading your thoughts and could tell you were nervous what to do.

"Yeah." Looking down at your feet his gaze almost making your knees buckle. Would he even want to see you again? The feeling of him just disappearing from your life like that kind of made you feel sad.

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