Late Date Night Part 2:Bill Skarsgard

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He didn't know you had left. He didn't know you tiptoeing around the house collecting your things. He didn't know you had written a note for him last night. He didn't even know you were crying with every word you wrote.

The only reason he didn't know those things was cause he was fast asleep. Not even realizing what was going on around him, but rather tucked away comfortably into bed.

Being brought to this hard decision when staying up all night thinking about it. Sure you could stay and try and work things out, but what if this keeps happening? What if it turns into more than just forgetting about a date? You just didn't want to wait around and find out.

Taking one last look around the room trying to remain strong and keep your head up. A tear ran down your cheek, and you tried with all your might just to not run right back into bed with him.

Closing the door behind you softly you walked out with your cab waiting to take you to your friends house.

—————————-Bill's POV;)———————————
Turning and tossing in his bed with a feeling that something was missing. He wasn't able to put his finger on it but something wasn't right. The side of his bed just felt so cold and empty, and it was a feeling he didn't want.

Waking up looking over to his side he realized that you weren't beside him. Straightening himself up and sitting up right looking around the rooms, he saw the draws had been rummaged through. Like someone was in a hurry to take what they could and get out as fast they could.

Lifting the covers off himself and going over to see what was going on. Opening the first drawer and seeing almost everything missing. He was confused almost and continued to open the next one. Panicking now the more drawers he opened and  realized that all of its contents were missing.

Heading over to the bathroom and seeing your toothbrush was also gone and so was your shampoo and conditioner that smelled like berries. He always loved when you got out of the shower smelling like summer. It was his favorite scent on you, and he loved it.

Walking into the living room and seeing if maybe his mind was playing tricks on you. Maybe he was just dreaming that you weren't really gone. He could feel his head spinning and his heart racing rapidly. He just didn't understand why all of a sudden your things would be gone, and you would be missing.

"Y/n." He repeated your name over and over again in hopes he would see your beautiful and smiling face. There was no response though.

He walked into the kitchen to see nothing touched or moved. There was something that did catch his attention though, and that was a handwritten note with smeared words on it. He felt his whole body freeze when he realized that it was for him.

Almost being scared to read it afraid of what was written on there. Not wanting to look he breathed in and out slowly preparing himself for what was to come.

Dear Bill,
You'll hopefully find this note when you wake up. I don't know if you remember last night so I'll remind you. We were supposed to have a romantic dinner date last night. I had prepared a wonderful meal, dressed up for you and even cleaned around the house. But you never showed. I don't ask much of you just that I have your loyalty and affection. When you came home you wouldn't explain why you didn't show, and we fought. You told me I was annoying and you couldn't stand to talk to me anymore. Then you said what broke my heart the most and said you wanted me to leave. So I did. I'm staying at my friends please don't come for me I want to be left alone. Don't try contacting me I will not answer. I'm sorry I had to do it this way but you didn't give me any other choice. I love you with all my heart, Bill. That's something that will never change.

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