Forgive and Try To Forget:Harry Styles

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Heartbreak. Betrayal. Humiliation. Fear. That's all you felt the past few weeks. People staring at you with sympathetic looks when you walked down the streets. Your heart plummeting to the ground each time someone looked your way. It was all over the news for everyone to see.

Just a couple weeks ago your heart was broken in two when you had discovered Harry had been secretly seeing an old flame. Pictures upon pictures of him and this girl surfaced the internet, and your friend had to be the one to inform you. She told you to talk to him first, but your eyes saw red and you wanted him to hurt.

Of course Harry was all denial when confronting him, and you weren't feeding into it. The breakup ending uglier than any of you thought. Hurtful words were exchanged, and yours were the worst. Screaming to the top of your lungs at how much you hated the boy. Wishing you had never met him and fell in love. Two years of undeniable love and loyalty to him, and this was how he showed his appreciation.

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. Never in a million years would he have thought someone despised him this much. He said everything and anything to keep you from leaving, but your heart was so crushed you couldn't even listen to your own heartbeat. Your lungs were collapsing. Your airways felt like they were swelling, and the walls felt like they were closing in on you. This was the worst feeling you've ever felt.

Staying at your friends apartment until you could figure out a living situation, since you were staying at Harry's. Not wanting to get your parents involved, and dealing with their questions. Continuing on with life as if everything was normal was all you could do right now.

Your eyes felt like they were swollen shut by the time you got to your friends apartment. Not even wanting to think about how horrible Harry felt and looked. Probably worse than you honestly, but right now you could have cared less about how he was feeling. Your the one that was cheated and betrayed. He had no room to feel like you were, and he deserved what was coming to him. He didn't deserve you, and you weren't going to let him stop you from living your life.

That's why right now you were standing at the bar wearing a tight black dress looking and feeling dangerous. A certain boy standing across from you watching your every move, and your friend unaware of what was to happen in the next couple of minutes.


"Y/N? Are you even listening to me?" Your friend broke you from your thoughts looking at you with general concern. Just sitting on your bed staring at your phone absentmindedly a lot longer than you thought. In the back of your mind hoping Harry would call or text you, but you hadn't heard from him since you left. Not blaming him though cause your words were harsher than you wanted to be.

"Uh no sorry I was just thinking." Shaking your head trying to forget about your favorite curly haired boy.

"Please don't tell me your thinking about you know who?" She groaned already knowing exactly where your mind was at.

"Don't worry I wasn't thinking about him if that's what you were thinking." Reassuring her and obviously the little smug on her face was saying she knew your lying and your thinking of exactly who you said you weren't.

"Yeah babe sure you weren't." The tone in her voice was too snarky for your liking, and your not having liked getting caught in a lie.

"I swear I'm not." Trying to sound more convincing by raising your voice just a little higher hoping that would convince her. She just looked at your face to detect any hint of truthiness behind your eyes.

"Okay well I was just coming to let you know we're going out tonight bitch." It was more of a command than a question. You knew that voice. It was the voice of authority. The voice of your going out whether you want to or not, and boy did she look determined to get you out.

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