He's My Boss: Ben Hardy

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It's been a couple weeks since you started your new job at a manufacturing company. Everyone had been super nice and welcoming towards you, and you couldn't have been more thankful for that. Except for maybe your boss. Andy Barber.

Ever since he hired you on to the company to be his personal assistant he's been making it his personal job to make your life hell.

From having you run and getting him coffee to giving you last minute paperwork that he wanted done that day. Not wanting to argue with him especially since you just started, but you couldn't help but roll your eyes every time he rang you.

Everyone else felt sorry for you cause they had all been in your position, and ever since then they've moved up the scale.

Thing is nobody warned you just how bossy and demanding this man was. It's like he knew if you literally took a second to relax because next thing you know you were being tasked to do a whole days worth of work.

For the most part Andy was a straight up asshole, but he did kind of flirt with you a little bit. Like his tone was flirtatious with you and made your heart flutter. His body language towards you was so inviting you almost accepted the offer. Than you would be brought back to reality that this man was your boss, and nothing could happen.

There was always this weird sexual intense tension between the both of you. It couldn't be explained though whether it was when he brushed past you every so slightly your body touched his. Or the way he said your name and how easily it rolled off his tongue.

The pay of course was amazing and that's exactly why you took this job. Nobody else was willing to pay what you worked, and when you applied for this job you thought how bad can it be?

Coming in early and leaving after everyone else, people thought this girl either must like her job or she's spending the night here. It was exactly safe at night in the city, and you had no one there to make sure you got home safe.

Groaning when you heard your phone ringing for the trillionth time today and you didn't even need to look and see who it was.

"Yes Mr.Barber." Saying with your best professional voice you could muster up.

"I need you to look at the files and write some reports on them and I need them faxed back to them today." His stern voice rang through the other line.

"Yes Mr.Barber right away." Hanging up the phone not even waiting for a response.

Of course all this needed to be done today, and of course he told you at last minute. It was like your brain was so scrambled from this place you couldn't think when you got home.

The only reason you haven't quit your job yet is cause your boss is extremely delicious. From his dark blonde slicked back hair to his designer shoes.

Always walking in wearing a suit and tie, and when he walked by your desk you could smell his musky pine cone scented cologne. It almost made you melt into your seat just getting a whiff of how good he smelled.

He would never go out with you though. He probably only dated super models and girls who shared the same status as he did. Radiating absolute power and control it almost intimidated you.

"You going out tonight?" Your co worker Shelley had asked you pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Can't. Work." You said pointing towards your stack of papers.

"Man he's really got you running through the mill huh?" Just chuckling at her and shrugging feeling bad you turned down another offer to go out tonight.

Your co workers felt bad for you knowing you are young and wanted to go out. Offer after offer you had unfortunately refused. At this point they'd probably stop asking you and not even bother. Hopefully they didn't think you just didn't like them cause you did.

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