He's My Boss(Part 4):Ben Hardy

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Your heart was aching. Like it was slowly being torn apart. Your skin felt clamy and sweaty. Like your body was malfunctioning. Head spinning so fast you were afraid you'd pass out. Your eyes could shed more tears, eyes so sore and drained already. Your body was slowly shutting down, and it was for one reason only.

The green eyed beauty that has turned your life upside down. He's going to be the reason you won't be able to trust anyone now. Relationships are going to be a thing of the past for you. Your wall becoming even higher now that it was, building brick by brick. Lie after lie that was told.

Thinking to yourself how could you be so stupid to fall for his act. This was a successful man who was used to getting what he wanted. Using people is something that probably came natural to him at this point. Making a girl feel so wanted, and taking what he thought was his, and than throwing her away for something different.

Then again you accepted his invitation when you could have so easily refused. You didn't have to go with him back to his place, and you could have spent the night alone. Shaking your head though refusing to put all of this on your own shoulders. He knew that it was more than just a one night stand.

He didn't have to take you home like he did. He could have just talked and danced with you and not done anything about it. Both of you gave unto temptation, but you were the one paying the price. You were the one being punished.

Your thoughts immediately changing over to Eric. He seemed like a very nice and sweet guy. A part of you not wanting to believe it, and thinking it's all an act. He did act very nervous and anxious when asking you out. Maybe afraid that you would reject him, and he seemed like the type of guy who couldn't handle something like that.

It was very weird to you though still how he asked you out literally after what happened at the office. Like it just didn't make sense why he didn't ask you at the office. Weird being as to how he waited till after you were upset and vulnerable.

Or the fact he never attempted before until you got your heart broken. Also, how did he even know where you lived. There was no way Andy would have told him, and Shelley wouldn't have done that especially without your permission.

Something seemed a little off about the whole situation, but you pushed those thoughts to the side. Not wanting to start thinking negatively now because of one person. You weren't going to let Ben ruin any future relationships.

Work the next day was not as awkward as you thought. You walked in thinking he was going to be an asshole the whole day. Surprisingly he left you alone, which it made you sad but at the same time you were glad. Not wanting to deal with a whole lot of confrontation at work.

Shelley was super supportive in everything of course not knowing the full truth, but still she always made sure to keep you smiling. Eric was getting super close to you. Wanting to talk to you more, and making sure to flirt with you whenever Andy was around.

Of course Andy tried not to show that it was pissing him off, but by the way the veins in his neck popped out, and he would clench his fists when he saw you talking to him. It was like it was Eric's personal mission to get him mad. He knew what he was doing to him.

"You ready for tonight?" Eric interrupted your thoughts as he walked over to your desk huge grin on his face.

"Yeah I'm real excited for tonight. I need to get out." Chuckling at the end of your sentence he just kept smirking at you.

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