Chapter 1

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Go check out my friend, Foxlight1234 !

  Edit: ok, ok, its bad, I know. But near the end it gets better, and in book two I improved a lot! Just bare the suffering until you get to my good writing, please. (I might rewrite it soon, cuz it's bothering me)

Edit 2: ok! It's in the process of rewriting, and editing. Don't mind if the writing style changes rapidly, cuz I'll be doing the chapters that need it most first. I also just got done editing Spotstar's destiny! Go check it out! (plz read Spotstar's destiny, Taylor)

As I was walking back from hunting with my mentor, I spotted my sister, Gravelpaw.

"Hey, Gravelpaw want to go hunting later?", I said, trying to sound happy. My sister is always rude, and I didn't know why.

"What do you think!", she hissed ferociously. I flinched, even though I was used to it, and ran to the fresh-kill pile.

     I grabbed a finch and mouse and went to the nursery, were my Mother, Mapleleaf, was taking care of my brother Blazekit.

"Hi Mapleleaf.", I said, dropping the mouse. "Do you and Blazekit want this?", I asked.

"Of coarse!", replied Mapleleaf. "Thank you."

     Blazekit was the same age as me, but he got attacked by a fox when we were nearly apprentices, so he has to wait until his leg heals to be an apprentice. As I walked out of the nursery I went towards Bloodpaw, he was now one of the oldest of the apprentices.

"Hello, Oakpaw.", said Bloodpaw.

      "Hi Bloodpaw," I replied, seeing Gravelpaw glaring at me coldly and unsheathing her claws. I almost flinched, knowing how sharp her claws were, but I knew she would never hurt me. "Want to go hunting?", I asked ignoring Gravelpaw.

"Sorry, I promised Gravelpaw I would hunt with her. Maybe another time?", said Bloodpaw, As Gravelpaw walked away. "Your lucky to be her sister, she's really sweet!" I sighed, "I wish you knew!"

As I was turning around, our leader, and my father, Spotstar said,"All gather around for a clan meeting."

     I started for the High-branch and sat down close to the apprentices den, which was next to the tree that the High-branch is on. 

     "We are here to name three new apprentices.", said Spotstar, looking down at Honeyfur's three kits. "Shardkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shardpaw. Your mentor will be Nofang. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you.

Nofang stepped up, they touched noses, Shardpaw's excitement shone bright in her eyes,

Spotstar continued,"Nofang, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from your mentor, and you have shown yourself to be swift and strong. You will be the mentor of Shardpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her.

     Nofang looked surprised, nodded, then they walked into the crowd of cats to sit down.

  "Moonkit," Spotstar said, "you, too, have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Moonpaw. Your mentor will be Skywing. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you."

       Skywing came forward, smiling and touching noses with her new apprentice.

      "Skywing, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Magmaclaw, and you have shown yourself to be kind and brave. You will be the mentor of Moonpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

Afterwards she walked and
sat next to me. "Hi Oakpaw!", Moonpaw said with a cheerful gleam in her eyes. "Hi, Moonpaw, congratulations on becoming an apprentice!", I purred. Moonpaw always talked to me when we both were kits , we were pretty good friends.

In the corner of my eye I saw Gravelpaw sitting next to Bloodpaw, she was only nice when she was with Bloodpaw, for some unknown reason.

     "Shadowkit, lastly, you too have reached the age of 6 moons, and it is time that you, too become apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be called Shadowkit.", Spotstar interrupted.

I stopped paying attention at this moment and turned my focus to Blazekit. He was scratching the ground with his claws, his tail twitching with annoyance.

My brother, Blazekit, can't become an apprentice until his leg heals. As I said, a fox attacked the nursery when we were almost apprentices, his leg broke and it should heal in about a moon, now.

My eyes filled with shock as I saw him stand up and walk to the nursery, my mouth dropped as I saw him walking completely normally.

"Blazekit! Your walking!" hissed Foxheart. "Not until it fully heals.", She commanded.

"But I can walk fine now!", Blazekit protested, flattening his hears to his head.

"Come on Blazekit. Don't argue with Foxheart.", said Mapleleaf, picking Blazekit up by his scruff.

By now, everyone turned their attention to Blazekit, but I started to the apprentice's den. I was exhausted!
Don't worry if you got bored of this it will get better!
I hope you enjoyed the first actual chapter of This Book!

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