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     I followed my clan through the forest and into camp, I still needed to talk to Creampaw before sleeping, so I ran near the front of the group to arrive with my father.
I darted into the apprentice den, searching for Creampaw's cream pelt. I spotted him curled up in his nest, fast asleep. I nudged him awake, careful not to disturb the other sleeping Apprentices.
"Oakpaw? Morning already?", Creampaw moaned, sitting up. "No, Creampaw. I came to apologize, for getting so angry about—", I started. "Can you mouse-brained fools go to sleep!", Hissed Tanpaw, "No one can get a wink of sleep with you two blabbering on."
Creampaw nodded, acknowledging me he forgave me, then laid down and fall back to sleep. I padded beside him, then laid in my nest, falling asleep.


"Good job, Oakpaw.", Skywing said. "Your really improving." I crouched, ready to pounce onto my mentor, Creampaw and Moonpaw waiting silently for their training time.
I pushed off of the ground, and when Skywing dodged, I landed on the sandy ground and quickly pounced off again, knocking her off balance.
"That's enough," Skywing mewed, "It's Creampaw's turn now." Creampaw stepped up, ready to train. Moonpaw and I already trained, and were waiting to go back to camp.
It has been five days since the gathering, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Minutes later, Skywing filicked her tail for us to come back towards camp.
We walked through the gap in the vines at the entrance of camp. A few kits played near the entrance of the nursery, they were Frostwhisker's kits. Their foster mother sat nearby, watching them play, and Leafflight laid inside the nursery.
Leafflight would have her kits soon, and Frostwhisker's kits were anxious to meet them.
I walked around camp, seeing a hunting patrol come in with fresh-kill. I saw Tanpaw and his sister, Wavepaw sunning themselves near the hollow tree trunk.
I stretched, It really is amazing here, I thought, sitting down in a sunny spot in the clearing. Suddenly, Furtuft barged into camp.
     Her fur was clotted with blood, and she had deep scars in her sides and chest. "Stormclan!", Furtuft gasped, falling to the ground. Seconds later, her patrol barged In too, though their injuries were not as bad.
      They were followed by —what looked to be— the whole of Stormclan. Each cat ran through and started raiding our camp. I quickly stood up, barely in time for the approaching Stormclan cat.
It was a cat that Feather introduced me to, I tried to think of their name, but I couldn't remember at that time. They pounced, knocking me onto my side, I jumped up quickly, but the Stormclan cat was too fast.
They slashed at my side, just hitting the surface of my skin, I hissed, then flung at him, pinning him and biting down on his leg, sending him limping out of the Natureclan camp.
I looked around the clearing, then saw Storm batting my father, and Splinter and Nightfang fighting Close by. I also saw Feather, helping a Golden She-cat escape camp.
Suddenly, paws flung towards me and knocked me onto my back, them aimed for a death blow, I started panicking, trying to remember what I've learned while training.
I kicked the cat with my hind legs, then stood and flung towards the cat, the bit down and killed them. "I just killed a cat!" I thought, running off towards The high-branch.

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