pg. 2 chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning feeling sore from the bites and scratches on my shoulders. I stood up and headed out of the den. When I came into the clearing, a thick blanket of snow covered the ground.

I passed Berryfern, Spotstar, Mapleleaf, Nofang, and most of the elders, who got back from burying Foxheart. I decided not to talk to them yet, and let them be alone for a while. I went over to Wavepaw, who was on her first patrol at Dawn.

"Hey, Wavepaw, how was your first patrol?", I asked.

"It was great! I got to see the borders of the territory, and so did Cloudpaw, and her mentor!", Wavepaw exclaimed, cheerfully.

"And this is our first leaf-bare! It's so exciting.", she finished, glancing over at Cloudpaw, who was sitting by the apprentices den.

"Well, keep up the good work.", I mewed, turning and heading to the nursery. I wanted to see how the new kits were doing.

    A few fox lengths away from the nursery, I couldn't help but notice how much I was acting like a warrior. I ignored that thought, and continued to the nursery.

    I saw Frostkit, Softkit, And Twigkit we're drinking Duskblossem's milk in one of the nests. I purred, and licked each of them.

"Oakpaw, you'll be a
warrior before you know it.", Duskblossem purred.

"I try to believe that.", I mumbled, turning and leaving the nursery.

My eyes were searched the clearing for Creampaw, when I spotted Branchpelt coming towards me.

"Hey, Oakpaw, come with me. I have to show you something.", Branchpelt purred. Before I could answer, he ran off and out of camp.

     I ran quickly after him, as I caught up he started slowing down until we were walking. Branchpelt stopped as we approached the waterfall, endless water stretching beneath it, the water unfrozen even in the freezing leaf-bare.

  "It's amazing!", I gasped.

"I knew you would like it.", he purred, licking my ear.

   "Oakpaw, I need to say this, I have feelings for you, I love you, Oakpaw.", Branchpelt said, looking me into the eyes.

I was speechless, we were very close friends, but, he is kind, brave, and caring....

   "I don't know what to say.", I whispered. I licked his chest, "No one has said anything nicer than that to me.", I purred, "I love you too."

The sun was setting in the distance, making the snow shimmer.

   Me and Branchpelt got up to head back to camp, when I felt the ground slip out from under me. Within seconds, I felt icy water wrap around me.

    I tried to get my head above the water, but I couldn't. Suddenly, a brown blur launched into the water, Branchpelt! He paddled towards me, the river sweeping us away, he finally reached me, gripping onto my scruff.

    With both of our weight, we were sinking faster. I started giving up, "Starclan, help us!"

    Everything went blurry, and it all faded away into darkness..


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