Chapter 4

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So you guys aren't confused, this is about a moon later. Ok, to the book.

I was licking my paws in the apprentice's den when I heard a familiar call from the high branch.

I stood up and noticed I was the only one in the apprentices den, except a sleeping black Tom, which I thought was Shadowpaw

   I walked to his nest and nudged him with my nose. He jolted up, and when he saw me, he narrowed his eyes and snorted, flicking me with his tail on his way out.

   I left the apprentices den and spotted Moonpaw. I started towards her, then spotted Shadowpaw sitting by Gravelpaw.

"That's why he was so rude!" I thought, finishing my way to Moonpaw. "Hi Moonpaw!", I mewed.

"Oakpaw!", she purred, signaling with her tail for me to sit by her. I sat down and waited for Spotstar to speak.

"We are here to have a naming ceremony.", Spotstar said. "Blazekit, it is about time you joined your siblings."

    I smiled, Happy for Blazekit,
he would finally get to run through the forest and feel the wind go through is fur.

   "you have waited long enough while your kittermates trained, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Blazepaw. Your mentor will be Whitesnow. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you.", Dpotstar purred, looking down at the last of his kits becoming an apprentice.

      He continued, "Whitesnow, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Blizzardwind, and you have shown yourself to be sleek and full of agility. You will be the mentor of Blazepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."

     Blazepaw's tail was held high, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Whitesnow's eyes lit up, but she walked calml to Blazepaw, and they touched noses.
   Suddenly, A yowl was heard from the entrance of the camp. And they jerked their heads up to look to the entrance of camp.

      "Spotstar!", Skywing yowled, entering the clearing.

   "What is the matter, Skywing?", asked Spotstar. I noticed a bundle of fur at her paws, "what's that?" I thought.

    "I found a kit, by the border of Shadeclan. It has Shadeclan's sent all over it.", said Skywing, nervously.

   "And why did you take it?", asked Spotstar sternly.
    "It was abandoned! I had to.", she protested, looking at the ground.

     "If you want it to stay, you must take care of it. You would also be responsible if Shadeclan commanded it back." Said Spotstar, walking up to Skywing.    

    Spotstar closed his eyes, "Duskblossom can nurse it.", Spotstar turned and headed to his den, "She has enough milk to spare."

Everyone was shocked by this decision, a few long heartbeats passed, then suddenly, Blazepaw asked, "What is its name?"

   Skywing thought for a moment, "I will name her Cloudkit.", she decided. The she-kit was White and had amber eyes.  The kit was asleep, but old enough to walk, and open her eyes. She looked to be about a moon and a half old, and I was wondering why my dad would let a possible Shadeclan-cat join the clan.

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