Chapter 9

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    I woke up, blinking my eyes open to see an endless clearing of sand. I stood up and shook the sand off of my fur.

Suddenly, the grey tabby she-cat appeared again, the same from my other dream.
She came forward, "Oakpaw," the she-cat said, "do not forget your dream, A storm with threaten the forest, and only ??? can save it.", the she-cat repeated.

"You might not know who I am.", she started, "My name is Stripefur, better known as Stripepaw, I am your father's sister.", Stripefur said. "Stripefur is the name Starclan gave to me when I died.", she finished.

       "I must go now, goodbye", Stripefur mewed, Bowing her head, and fading away slowly.

"Wait! I have so many questions!", I meowed, I suddenly realized I was waking up.

I blinked my eyes open, adjusting to the light shining through the entrance of the apprentices den. Someone must have brought me here. I thought, remembering I fell asleep in the hollow stump on the other side of camp.

I stood up, stepping quietly out of the apprentices den, even though no one was in there except me. I looked at the entrance of the camp, seeing Skywing, Moonpaw and Creampaw walking into camp with prey.

They went without me! I thought. They could have just woken me up. I glanced up at the sky, Sun-high already? I thought, Why did nobody wake me?

I noticed Creampaw was coming towards me, when he arrived I put my head down and walked away, my paws treading through the snow angrily.

I noticed my paws were leading me to the fresh-kill pile. I grabbed the plumpest mouse I could find, and took it. I wanted to spend some time away from camp, so I took my mouse through the tunnel that leads to the forest.

    I ran as far away from camp as my -still weak- legs could take me, and stopped when I started coming to the clearing near the lake. I laid near a tree, we're the snow was just a thin blanket on the forest floor, and ate my prey.

I didn't run off because they left without me, I decided. I suddenly remembered Branchpelt's death, and a sharp sting of pain ran through me.

     My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of incoming cats. I turned my head and saw a patrol of cats running towards me. My fur bristled, and the cats stopped, right in front of me.

     I went to Breathe in their scent, "Shadeclan and— Wait, What's that sent?" I thought.

     Their were five cats, three, I noticed, were Shadeclan cats. One, a gray Tom, I recognized as Owlsight, the deputy of Shadeclan. There was another smaller gray tabby Tom, and, a brown Tom who looked about my age.

    Then their were the other cats, a pale brown she-cat with golden and white streaks in her fur, and a dark brown Tom, who was in the lead.

I stood up, the fur on my neck rising. "Why are you one Natureclan territory?", I growled. The brown Tom looked at me for a moment, then let out a mrow of laughter.

"Foolish apprentice," He said,"This May be your territory now, but not for long. We have a message for your leader."

"What is the message?", I growled, holding their stare.

"We will be claiming Natureclan territory for ourselves," he started, "If you don't lend it over, expect a fight.", The Tom growled.

  My eyes flared up in anger, "how could they expect to come onto our territory, and demand it for themselves?" I thought.

"Make us!", I hissed, unsheathing my claws.

  "I demand you to bring the message to your leader. You have no right to decide.", They said, holding back a growl.

"And what if I don't?", I asked, standing my ground.

"Then I'll tear you apart!", he yowled, slashing his extended claws across my ear. I yowled in pain, and for one time in my life I didn't know what to do. In that instant I forgot all of my training.

I had too many things on my mind, and I was absolutely clueless. I looked up, and did the only thing I knew in my mind, run.

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