Chapter 7

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   I was heading for the entrance of camp when a flash of Russet-brown flung towards me and knocked me down. I recognized the scent of, Flareclan.

"Intruder!", I yowled, making sure everyone heard me.

   My clan came forward, facing cats as they jumped through the thick vines lining the camp. I scraped my claws across the tom's face, I recognized him to be the leader of Flareclan, Mudstar.

       I knew me, as an
apprentice, could not win against him.

"Leave our camp! Creampaw?", I hissed, when Creampaw came running over, and knocked Mudstar off of me.

      "Thanks.", I mewed. I
noticed Sandpaw, and Wavepaw were fighting with us, as we slashed our claws aggainst our opponent.

Mudstar mumbled something, then ran off towards the rock by the medicine-Cat den. He hopped upon it and spoke, silencing the fighting, hissing and snarling.

   "We have scented Natureclan on our territory," Mudstar hissed, looking down at the cats below him, "they have stolen prey, and attacked an apprentice in the middle of our territory!", he growled, looking down at a reddish she-cat that was hard to recognize in exhaustion.

   "We will not just standby and let Natureclan invade our territory!", he snarled, jumping down to the reddish she-cat, and landing on her, lashing his tail. I noticed just then, it was Foxheart.

   "This is the scent of the cat!", Mudstar growled.

     "I can assure you, I haven't been on your territory, I'm a medicine-cat and I send my apprentice to gather herbs, I barely leave camp!", Foxheart protested.

    "Nonsense, I know a scent when I smell one!", he hissed, biting down into Foxhearts neck, killing her quickly.

     Shrieks of sorrow, fear, and shock filled the clearing. The Flareclan cats quickly ran out of camp, ignoring any threat of battle.

    Spotstar darted to Mudstar and knocked him off of the dead Medicine-cat. Spotstar whispered something, and bit onto Mudstar's neck, killing him painfully.

     Spotstar stepped off of him, and closed his eye, breathing deeply. Minutes later, Mudstar woke, he had used one of his nine lives.

     I glanced at Creampaw, who looked confused, and surprised. I forgot I never told him about the leaders nine lives.

   Spotstar dug his claws deep into Mudstar's back, and then let him go. He painted claws unsheathed, fur bristling.

        As Mudstar fled from our camp, snowflakes started to fall, leafbare was beginning..

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