pg. 2 chapter 5

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As we approached camp, I hesitated, then carried on and entered camp. By now, it was Moon-high, And mostly everyone was asleep.

I walked across The clearing towards Spotstar's den. When we arrived, I mewed my presence. I heard Spotstar say, "Come in." And Me and Cream entered his den, I gulped on my way, nervousness taking me over.

    Right away Spotstar noticed Cream behind me. "Watch out!", Spotstar hissed, standing up. Cream flinched, surprise in his Amber eyes.

"Relax, he's my friend! His name is Cream, I met him in the woods.", I told him.

"How do you know we can trust him?", he hissed, not relaxing.

I never thought of that... I thought to myself.

"You can trust me!", Cream protested.

"Hmp, fine he can stay. But, he will train with you until you become a warrior. He will be known as Creampaw, and stay in the apprentices den.", Spotstar decided.

"Thank you, father!", I exclaimed.

"Father?", Creampaw
looked surprised.

"Yup!" I purred.
We backed out of the den, starting towards the Apprentices den.

"Creampaw!", Creampaw whispered to himself.

    "So, how many apprentices are there? What are their names?", Creampaw asked.

"Well, there's eleven counting us.", I started. "They're Bloodpaw, Moonpaw, Blazepaw, Shardpaw, Tinypaw, Shadowpaw, Branchpaw, Leafpaw, Gravelpaw, me and you.", I finished.
"So, do all apprentice's names end in 'paw'?", Creampaw asked. I nodded. We arrived to the apprentice's den and dark outlines of all of the apprentices were sleeping in their nests.

I laid down in my nest, yawning quickly before saying, "You can sleep there," Then, flicking my tail towards an empty space beside me. Before dozing off to sleep.

      In the morning, I showed Creampaw around the camp. Gravelpaw was sitting near me, she glanced at me and Creampaw,

"Who is that?", she gnarled.

"Wait, thats at Kitty-pet! What's a kitty-pet doing here?", Shadowpaw hissed, walking past. Both of them laughed and walking away.

     "That's my sister...", I whispered under my breath. "Don't listen to her, You aren't a kitty-pet.", I told Creampaw, he smiled, and I started toward the Medicine den, and I saw Berrypaw sitting in the sun, eating a vole. "That's my friend Berrypaw, she's the medicine cat apprentice.", I told Creampaw. Berrypaw mewed a greeting, and we carried on, entering Foxheart's den.

"Hi Foxheart," I mewed.

"Hello Oakpaw, do you need anything?", Foxheart asked.

"No, I'm just showing my friend Creampaw around.", I told her.

    "All cats gather around for a clan meeting.", we heard a familiar voice announce.

"That's what we hear when
we have a clan meeting.", I told Creampaw, as we headed for the High-branch.

   "It is about time for three apprentices to become warriors.", said Spotstar. "Bloodpaw, Branchpaw, And Leafpaw have trained for many moons and will now be warriors.", he continued.

   "I, Spotstar, leader of Natureclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Bloodpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Spotstar paused letting Bloodpaw speak, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Bloodpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Bloodclaw. StarClan honors your skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Natureclan." Spotstar finished, as Bloodclaw purred.

   "Branchpaw," Branchpaw's eyes lit up with excitement. "You will now be called Branchpelt."

—Oakpaw barely payed attention to the rest of the meeting. Instead, she was looking at Gravelpaw, and Bloodclaw.

"Leafpaw, your warrior name will be Leafflight—"

As Spotstar finished, Oakpaw had barely paid attention. She just stood and got fresh-kill, before sitting and watching them again.

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