pg. 2 chapter 4

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Note: I just wanted to thank you guys for 400 reads!! :D I know that might not be that much for some people, but I literally made this 5 days ago.

I was laying in the sun, taking in the last of the warm air before leaf-bare. I stood up and went to the apprentices den were my brother, Blazepaw, was. Instead, I saw him standing near the hollowed stump.

"Blazepaw, hows your leg doing?", I purred, seeing He was standing on it much better.

He purred back, lifting it and stretching it before pulling it back. "It's good as new! I have to go, though, Whitesnow wants to go training."

I nodded, continuing to the den, to see if Moonpaw was there.

I saw Shadowpaw and Gravelpaw, attacking Moonpaw.
"Gravelpa-!", I started.

  "What's going on here?", meowed a deep voice. Horror shown on their faces. I turned slowly to find Blizzardwind standing at the entrance to the den.  

   "Moonpaw?", Blizzardwind said.

"Gravelpaw and Shadowpaw said I'm to weak to be an apprentice.", wined Moonpaw.

"Is this true?", hissed Blizzardwind.

Gravelpaw tilted her head, staring at me angrily, before whispering to Shadowpaw.

"Oakpaw did, too!", added Shadowpaw. I wasn't surprised, however I couldn't hide the look of disgust on my face.

It seemed Moonpaw was angered, too, "No she didn't!", Moonpaw hissed glancing at me thankfully.

  "You two, no fresh-kill tonight!", Blizzardwind said to Gravelpaw and Shadowpaw, as their tails dropped, and he was walking out of the den.

I noticed Bloodpaw resting in the corner of the den, I went to wake him when Gravelpaw bit my tail, pulling me back.

    I was so frustrated with her that I swept around and scraped her on the nose.

"Mrrowwww!", she exclaimed, turning and running out of the den.

Shadowpaw hissed, and ran after her. I was done with Gravelpaw, and I headed out too.. Then, I remembered my mentor had died. "Who is my mentor?"

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