Chapter 2

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I was in a field when the sun was setting, I turned to head back to camp but was stopped by an unknown cat scent. A gray tabby was walking towards me, her yellow eyes were focused.

  Then, the Field was gone, and
I was in a forest. The starry night sky bright with the light of the moon.

"Who are you?", I asked curiously, though I knew I must be dreaming, it felt so real.

"A Storm will threaten The forest", the she-cat said, looking at the moon then, closing her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I was confused by this.

The she-cat stepped forward and touched her nose to my forehead

"Go now." As she said this, I woke up. I realized it was nearly Sun-high and shook the moss from my fur. As I walked out of the apprentices den I was thinking about my dream, "A Storm will threaten the forest," I thought. "Or was that just my imagination?"

   I was interrupted in my thoughts by commotion in the nursery, Dusksblossom must be kitting! I ran over to the nursery to find three tiny kits suckling their mothers milk.

Their father, Hawktalon, was their too, licking his kits with a proud look in his eyes.

"Hello Oakpaw.", Duskblossom said weakly, flicking her tail for her to come in. "You came just in time. We're naming them." I was excited to find out their names, Two of them were tan colored, although one was more like sand than the other, and the other was bluish-gray.

"That one can be Sandkit.", Duskblossom said nodding to the Sand colored Tom.

"He can be Tankit.", said Hawktalon.

"And Oakpaw, would you like to name the other?", offered Duskblossom. Oakpaw smiled in surprise, she hadn't expected to get to name a kit.

"Sure! She can be, Wavekit.",
I purred.

"Great! I like that.", Duskblossom purred back.

   As I finished my way to the fresh-kill pile, I Had forgotten about my dream. I would have to go out training soon, I haven't been able to train as much because my mentor is the deputy, but I think it's fine. I get to do other things apprentices usually can't do. And besides, I already know tons of things! What else is there to know?

   As I reached the fresh-kill pile, I picked up a mouse and sat in the shade of the rock next to the Medicine Cat den. Berrypaw was laying on the rock and jumped down as she saw me approach.

"Hi Berrypaw, hows being a Medicine Cat Apprentice?", I asked. "How's fighting for your life everyday!", teased Berrypaw.

She was found in the forest abandoned by two-legs when she was a kit, and also had no claws.

"Don't you ever wish you could be a warrior?", I asked. "The wind in your fur, the fresh sent of prey filling your nose." I said eating the last bite of my vole.

  "I'm not the type to be hunting for all of my food. And besides, I couldn't if I wanted to!", Berrypaw replied, lifting her paw and attempting to unsheathe claws.

   As the day went on I stayed with Berrypaw, hoping we could be better friends.

When finally Tigerpelt came and said, "Hey Oakpaw, lets go practice some fighting moves. Then you can take the rest of the day off."

I got to my paws and set off towards my mentor. As we walked through the vine tunnel I heard birds speaking to each other, and flying from tree to tree.

      When we got to the river we didn't go across on the fallen tree, instead we walked downstream to the lake. When we arrived, the sand was warm on my paws but the cool leaf-fall air ruffled my fur.

"Try me!", I said as I dodged his attack. I turned and pounced landing on his back, claws sheathed. He rolled onto his back squishing me, which knocked the air out of me.

     "Hey!", I yowled after I got
my breathe back. I squeezed under his front legs got onto my back and kicked his stomach, making him yowl in pain.

     He turned and grabbed me by the tail, my fur bristling. Then, I went limp, pretending to be exhausted. When he dropped me I quickly landed on my paws and flung passed him, scratching his ear with my claws, unsheathed.

    "Ok, Ok! That was impressive. I'm going back to camp, if you want to hunt you can stay and catch prey for the elders."

      I nodded in reply, walking closer to the lake to catch some thirsty prey.

      By the time I turned back, Tigerpelt was gone and only his scent was lingering behind me.

      I started back to camp with a pigeon and a mouse, my mouth watering will the fresh sent so close.
Next page is done! I'm currently on vacation but I'm still working non-stop. I'm also really happy because I got second place in a art contest :)


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