Chapter 6

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   It has been a few days now, and I was walking around camp, just back from training, when I spotted a black figure creeping through the vines that make the walls of the camp.

   I looked closer and saw it was Nightfang. I kept going, pushing that out of my mind, and headed for the fresh-kill pile. I picked up a shrew and headed to the Apprentices den where Creampaw was waiting.

  I noticed Shardpaw was with Gravelpaw and her brother, Shadowpaw more often, but it didn't bother me.

  I kept going and heard mewing, 'it sounds like a kit!' I thought, 'wait, that's where Nightfang was going...'

    I was creeping over intel I spotted Nightfang and a kit sharing a rabbit.

   When I walked near, Nightfang lifted his head, shock in his eyes. "What are you doing?", I asked,"And whose kit is that?"

He froze, looking at the terrified kit. "It is mine. Mine and Stormtail's.", he said, licking his kit.

    "What!", I said, getting annoyed. "Why does my father not know about this?", I hissed.

"Stormtail told me what she did, she trusted me. She had her kit and told me to hide it, during the battle Tigerpelt died in.", Nightfang told me, ignoring my angry tone. "His name is Smokekit.", he finished, in a whisper, "he's Six moons, he should be an apprentice.", he said.

"You can't just keep a secret like that! I'm Telling Spotstar Now!", I told him.

    He flattened his ears to his head, "Just because your Spotstar's daughter, doesn't mean you can boss an older cat around. Have some respect!" He said, then picked up his kit, and ran to my fathers den.

   I turned and finished my way to the apprentices den, wincing at the harsh tone of his voice, though, questioning my tone to the warrior.

When I arrived, Creampaw was sharing tongues with Blazepaw. I purred knowing my brother and friend were getting along well. We all turned our focus to a yowl that came from the high-branch. It was Spotstar, his face was furious.

   I flinched when I saw Nightfang with a deep scratch mark on his cheek, Smokekit sat terrified beside him. 'Surely, Spotstar wouldn't have punished the poor cat?"

     "A secret has been kept from the clan!", he yowled angrily. "Stormtail's kit has been here for a long time. And I am disappointed to announce he will be trained as an apprentice of Natureclan.", he mumbled the last few words, anger still in his eyes.

   Surprised yowls filled the  clearing, "Toss it out of the clan!"

I heard Nightclaw gasp, wrapping his tail around his kit.

"Silence! This kit will be my apprentice and be known as Smokepaw. He must be supervised by me, Incase he is anything like his mother.", he yowled, hopping down and into his den.

   "Who is Stormtail?", Creampaw whispered.

        "An evil and cruel cat, Creampaw.", I muttered. And I knew it would be Extremely difficult for me to be kind to the new apprentice, though it was as not his fault it happened.

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